We have some PMP320s in heavy interference - took a lot of tweaking the RF
reliability settings to get the links to be usable, I'm still very
frustrated that the platform was so badly designed that such needed to be
done. I don't think I've ever seen a crash from interference so it could be
something else.

On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 7:10 PM, Steve Jones <thatoneguyst...@gmail.com>

> These are dead ducks, I know this.
> I would bet however cambium has a nifty tool they used to use that took
> all the data and spit out a wtf report.
> I'm pretty sure I'm seeing random AP reboots from interference, looking
> through the archive a thread from me indicated cambium told me at some
> point in the past if I'm configured upper 3.65 with no failover channel it
> will just crash reboot. I don't have the email chain from them because we
> dumped an exchange server a few years ago.
> This particular AP was doing the thing where CSM would stay connected,
> show connected, but become unresponsive, Ive dicked all I can with the sm
> isolation and aging time workarounds, finally took it to a lower 3.65
> channel, but left upper enabled, as I understand, this keeps the unit
> abiding by upper 3.65 rules in todays FCC new world order.
> not all that concerned right now about troubleshooting the issue, I just
> really want to get a tool to read the crash reports.
> Cambium, I was a good guy and stole your AP telnet login but never
> released it to the wild, Can you toss a brother a bone here?

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