I also added #mikrotik and #afmug channels, if you're into that kind of thing

http://blog.engineered.online for the link

On Sun, Jul 23, 2017 at 6:18 PM, Josh Reynolds <j...@kyneticwifi.com> wrote:
> If anybody is interested, there is a slack channel for
> WISPAPALOOZA2017 setup in our slack group. I just added the link.
> Go to http://blog.engineered.online , there is a link to request an
> invite on the right side of the page (or on the bottom if on mobile).
> There's other channels there too... isp/wisp, networking, linux,
> general, maybe a channel to talk about tecate and guinness, might add
> one for the McGregor v Mayweather fight, etc.
> Join if your interested. If not, ignore this email :)
> PS - You can have different notifications between the app / web link
> vs mobile, so your phone doesn't vibrate all day. You can also
> customize notifications to where you don't vibrate or hear any sounds
> but still get a popup.

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