I'm at a music festival in the BC mountains right now, music will start
blasting all day and night, people are walking around wearing the wackiest
costumes (or nothing at all)... and still I'm amusing myself spotting SMs
of the festival's local intranet (Canopy 2.4/900 FSK and looks like ePMP)
and imagining plans to setup solar-powered repeaters on top of these nearby
tall mountains.
On Aug 9, 2017 10:03 PM, "Steve Jones" <thatoneguyst...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So I'm at lake Shelbyville, I recommend this joint to anybody looking for
> something to do in Illinois.
> As I sit here by the fire with a glorious view of the moonlit lake, I
> wonder if there will ever be a point in my life, even if i leave the
> industry that I won't be thinking about how to get 99 percent territory
> coverage.
> Right now I'm thinking some sort of solar powered wind turbine backup bouy
> omni mesh solution with 900 mhz into each leg serving WiFi to an average 10
> campsites.
> Then I start thinking about batteries in the bouys and access for
> maintenance summer vs winter.
> About that point I start to think "listen here, motherfucker, you get 3 to
> 5 days a year you don't have to answer your phone, and this year you took
> 7. Sit back, drink beer, listen to country music from the 50s, pass out by
> the lake."
> Then I think to myself " does my phone have good enough service to relay
> this to the degenerates over at animal farm?"
> And Jesus delivers.
> Have a great week guys

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