If you can find the archives from the old motorola forums. There was an in
depth discusssion about this. The guy who did the flashlight comparison for
 atpc was the lead ( i really wish i could name him, hes the guy who walked
me through our first, and best performing 900mhz site, his company tag was
something like "covering 1800 square miles with canopy" he was out of
california i believe.)
The discussion got alot into the math and real physics of shadowing, we
were mounting on the leg of a 4 leg water tower in trees. We wanted a solid
mile of coverage and ended up with 10.
The gist was, there is a magic number betwen closeness and distance
dependent on the structure. It bled over to dslreports, if you can stomach
going over there. But the archives of the two have alot of geek math.
Close, or real far til you crink the windload, too far and youre back in a
bad shadow was what it boiled down to.

On Sep 14, 2017 9:48 PM, "George Skorup" <george.sko...@cbcast.com> wrote:

> Used to use a bunch of Andrew/CommScope S-200 sidearms with Cyclone
> 2450-360.15's mostly near the top of Rohn 25 and 45. 2' stand off seemed to
> work fine.
> On 9/14/2017 9:26 PM, Colin Stanners wrote:
> http://www.tiltek.com/doc/AppNote3.pdf       I'd try 2-3ft, far enough to
> reduce pattern ripple and tower shadow but close enough for some maintenance
> On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 9:21 PM, Jay Weekley <par...@cyberbroadband.net>
> wrote:
>> How far from a leg of a Rohn 45 would you put a 2.4 omni to prevent or
>> minimize any kind of shadow effect?  I believe the omni we have is from KP
>> Performance and the bracket will have the antenna about a quarter inch from
>> the leg and the top of the tower is not available.

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