It is possible. There are many companies who promote microfiber duct
systems for drops, which are designed to not be very deep. This would
suggest it is not a problem in small plastic conduit. But they would be a
good source for more information. Clearfield is one that comes to mind as
pushing microduct.

On Mon, Nov 6, 2017 at 5:17 PM, Adam Moffett <> wrote:

> So we buried a 3/4 PVC conduit about 8" deep for a drop cable.  Due to
> obstacles, that's as deep as it was realistically going to go.  Now
> somebody is wondering whether ice in the conduit is going to be a problem.
> We're assuming in the long run water will always get in, but the question
> is whether it'll hurt the fiber when it freezes.
> The person doing the wondering speculates that when the ice expands it
> will crush the cable and damage the fibers.  Is this actually possible?

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