Maybe they could start with China’s citizenship score essentially ranking 
everyone’s behavior.  

From: Nate Burke 
Sent: Thursday, December 7, 2017 8:54 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT slightly political

Facebook and Google already have all the data of your likes/dislikes/beliefs 
(even one's you are not sure of).  Seems like the next logical step would be a 
compatibility matrix.  You are only allowed to interact with a potential date 
if you have >90% compatibility.  Otherwise your advances would be moot, and 
therefore unwanted.  Proximity devices would allow you to go into a club, and 
see all potential matches nearby.  As you approach, their name badge would 
either turn green or red.  If you get too close to a Red, it will start 
flashing, thereby alerting all close by to be on the lookout for potential 
harassing behavior.  

On 12/7/2017 9:46 AM, Bill Prince wrote:

  Yeah. Parse these two statements, and how they might come across verbally.

  Don't! Stop!

  Don't stop!


On 12/7/2017 7:44 AM, wrote:

    All young men trying to get a date could be classified as a predator.  
There is the prey and the predator.  It is a matter degree.  Unwanted 
attention, unwanted proximity, unwanted touching.   Until the girl decided the 
kid is OK then the playing hard to get games morphs into no=yes and so forth.   

    Is a kid screwing up his courage to go in for a kiss at the end of a date 
risking becoming a criminal?

    Hitting a good looking woman is now considered sexual predation.  

    NPR had a good example.  Good looking woman at a party.  George Clooney and 
Steve Buscemi both hit on her at different times.  Both use the exact same 
words.  Perhaps different deliveries but the exact same words.  The woman is 
mesmerized by the attention by George and feels harassed by Buscemi.  

    How can you codify how people are supposed to behave?  

    From: Jaime Solorza 
    Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2017 8:29 PM
    To: Animal Farm 
    Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT slightly political

    All sexual predators...from Top to bottom, regardless of party,  should be 
pecked to death...I have four daughters.  That Alabama pedophile would have 
disappeared.  End of story.

    Jaime Solorza

    On Dec 6, 2017 8:26 PM, "Steve Jones" <> wrote:

      I feel bad for that guy. hes about to get his rectum widened and not so 
much as mcdouble with cheese for dinner

      On Wed, Dec 6, 2017 at 8:20 PM, Craig House <> 

        Al Franken = injured chicken   LOL


        From: "Chuck McCown" <>
        Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2017 8:15:10 PM
        Subject: [AFMUG] OT slightly political 

        One of my aunts married a guy that had a small factory farm.  He raised 
fryers.  Those chickens you get at KFC.  They were allowed to run around in a 
very large room.  Thousands of them per room, maybe tens of thousands.   He had 
lots of buildings with rooms like that.
        There was this tiny conveyer of chicken feed (maybe 3 inches wide) that 
snaked round the room so they were never farther than a dozen steps from food.  
I think it took 6 or 8 weeks from hatching before they were ready for market. 

        Toward the end of their existence they would get so heavy they would 
just park and the conveyer and not really move.  I don’t recall
        how they got water (this was 50 years ago). 

        If one got injured somehow, perhaps getting something caught in the 
conveyer or whatever, if there was a single spot of blood, the other chickens 
would notice and in short order peck the injured chicken to death.  Even a dot 
of red ink was enough.  They would pile on and do them in. 

        I see some parallels.  Humans are chickens sometimes. 

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