Yeah Dual Stack seemed like the obvious route to go. Then I read T-Mobile went to this XLAT stuff.....on second pass it still seems like dual stack is a no-brainer.

------ Original Message ------
Sent: 2/2/2018 5:13:45 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] IPv6


There is really no extra work or expense involved in Dual Stack. Just turn it on and let the customers use what they will use.

You have to accommodate V4 somehow. We are going to NAT everything in the V4 world to keep our continuing investment in IPs where it is at.

464xlat seems interesting. I have been talking about a magic box for a couple of years now, but after taking a closer look and actually making progress, DS + NAT seems to be the most reasonable as far as cost and a known working solution.

Still waiting for Dennis to invent the magic box. V6 only everywhere for everything inside your network. Magic box recognizes, diverts and fixes sessions that need access to the old V4 world.

From:Adam Moffett
Sent: Friday, February 2, 2018 3:03 PM
Subject: [AFMUG] IPv6

If you were starting a new network from the ground up today would you do Dual Stack, 464XLAT, or something else?

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