gcc -o output hello.c

Will compile hello.c to an executable called output

You may need to add switches for libraries to include.

I'm skeptical that you'll be able to generate a bitstream with enough
accuracy under Linux, without extreme programming measures.

I'd suggest a digilent chipkit wifire and the arduino ide for this.  You
should be able to bitbang at least a T1 with this processor (500mhz)

On Feb 9, 2018 8:44 AM, <ch...@wbmfg.com> wrote:

> OK, but I need a file called “make”, right?
> And it needs stuff inside it.
> This is one example I found:
> all: output_file_name
> output_file_name: main.o
> gcc main.o -lbcm2835 -o output_file_name
> main.o: main.c
> gcc -c main.c
> clean: rm -rf *o output_file_name
> I presume this is like a batch file.
> I am guessing it is a text file with the name make.
> I guess the output_file_name would be replaced with my “hello” or some
> such thing.
> Perhaps the “-lbcm2835” is the source code file?  -o is probably related
> to an object file.
> I know this is very elementary.  I can write C with ease.  Just getting
> over this initial hump.
> Like, where do you put the key in this car.
> (there used to be a car that you turned the key on, then floored the
> accelerator.  The starter button was part of the gas pedal and would not
> engage unless it was fully depressed.  )
> From: Bill Prince
> Sent: Friday, February 9, 2018 9:36 AM
> To: af@afmug.com
> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Hello World
> A make file is just a list of dependencies, and what to do if the
> dependency is met. Sort of:  "If hello.c is newer than hello, then compile
> it". It can be as simple as that, but can get a whole lot more complicated
> if there are libraries and such. However, in the simple case of your
> hello.c, I would put everything in the same directory. As the project
> grows, you would move your source (*.c) files into a "source" directory,
> and the binaries (*.bin) into a bin directory. Then linking all the
> binaries would be dependent on the dates of those file. So linking is
> dependent on the binaries, and the binaries are dependent on the sources.
> Make should be installed already.
> bp <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
> On 2/9/2018 6:51 AM, ch...@wbmfg.com wrote:
> I hate make files.  I love IDEs.
> Bought a raspberry PI and am playing with it a bit.  So far I really like
> it.
> Started to write a program using a Geaney editor.  Nice editor.  Hit the
> make button and I discovered it is really just a shell, that you have to
> have a gcc make somewhere.
> So, not being a linux hack, what folder should may source and other
> project files be in?
> Should the make file be there with it?
> Can someone please be kind enough to send me two things:
> 1.  hello.c source
> void main {
>     printf(“hello world”);
> }
> (I probably don’t need that as It is right there in this email.  But I do
> need to put it in the proper folder name and associate it with GCC
> presumably with the make file.
> 2)    A make file that will allow that program to compile.
> Did I say I hate make files?
> I have downloaded example make files.  It appears I need to change some
> file names in them to match the file name of my source.  But I would like
> to make my Geany program be able to cause the make file to be correct if I
> change the name of the project.  Perhaps that is not possible.  One of my
> sons is trying to encourage me to put windows on it and use visual C++.  I
> don’t want to do that because this is a simple bit banging project.
> I don’t care where the object files go or what they are named.
> If I want to include a .h file it will be in my source.
> My handicap comes from TurboC coming on the scene when I first started
> doing a bunch of c code writing.  Before that it was asm
> (before that it was fortran, pascal, basic)

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