That's a pretty blanket statement...I did work in Bolivia over 10 years ago
and it wasn't the case.  Mexico's Cofetel and SCT have shut down and fined
illegal two way radio operators across the border from me.  We know there
are some WISPs in US that use 4.9GHz with their Mikrotik and Ubiquiti set
ups.  I shared a post of a local WISP using 2377MHz until FCC guys from
Dallas shut him down.

Jaime Solorza

On Mar 3, 2018 10:02 PM, "Rory Conaway" <> wrote:

> Many of those countries don’t give a crap who runs what.  You may need a
> license but for the most part, nobody is there to enforce it.
> Rory
> *From:* Af [] *On Behalf Of *Jaime Solorza
> *Sent:* Saturday, March 3, 2018 8:41 PM
> *To:* Animal Farm
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] 39ghz
> Friend of mine bought 10 Brand New Stratex 38GHz for $1500.00 in an
> auction and sold them someone in Brazil.   Not sure if 39GHz is a popular
> band there. Might look at surplus resellers.
> Jaime Solorza
> On Mar 3, 2018 7:02 PM, "Jason McKemie" <>
> wrote:
> Yeah, wouldn't be so bad if the equipment had any residual value, I'm not
> sure it does though.
> On Sat, Mar 3, 2018 at 11:31 AM, Seth Mattinen <> wrote:
> On 3/3/18 01:00, Jason McKemie wrote:
> Yeah, I figured that is what they would do. Just rambling / complaining a
> bit.
> The whole thing was fishy with leases that can be canceled on a whim.
> Totally unsuitable for any serious deployment, it was just a spectrum grab
> and hope someone big would buy it.

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