Do you have an LSR from the customer?
Are you porting to someone that has an LRN?

Frontier is large enough that they should not be able to refuse.  
Someone would have to look up the NPA NXX in the LERG to see if it is portable 
but Frontier should be portable everywhere.

Tell them you are going to file a complaint with the FCC (or rather have your 
customer file the complaint).

From: Steve Jones 
Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2018 3:24 PM
Subject: [AFMUG] porting woes - is this legal

so we are trying to port over a customers number, its the primary line for 
their rollover group. The rollover numbers are also going away with the 
exception of one, they will be keeping that copper line and that number 

The port started all nice and smooth but now they are saying it cant port 
because its their account number, I dont know what this even means. All the 
portability checkers say its portable. This is a podunk telco called frontier 
communications, and I have yet to deal with an intellect at that company, but 
im guessing all their headquarter windows are spotless from the licking.

Can they deny a port, I thought numbers were required to be portable now

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