The easiest way I've found to align a link was with the McCown scope thingy. I was able to align a 10 mile 11 GHz link all by my lonesome. Not quite plug and play, but it was operational within a couple dB of optimal when I powered it on. I also did a 7.5 mile link that was dead-on when I powered it on (again, all by myself).


On 4/28/2018 11:00 AM, Jaime Solorza wrote:
Wondering if anyone has used lets say a 5GHz antenna and radio attached above an 11GHz antenna to find a good starting point for aligning 11GHz quicker.   we have azimuth and elevation coordinates, we have found some good landmarks on paths to get good of idea of path..... I have three links to align next week and need to get is asap....lots of other projects and quotes I need to get done. I did find a low cost USB SA from Trarchy for $995.00 that goes from 4.0 to 13.xGHz that looks interesting.
My SA only goes to 6GHz..
anyways any other tips would be appreciated.

Jaime Solorza
Wireless Systems Architect

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