Is this a recent rise aquisition?

On Sat, Apr 28, 2018, 9:38 PM Lewis Bergman <> wrote:

> I don't understand how charging a made up fee like the "carrier recovery
> fee" as you state it is legal. They are charging that "below the line" and
> not taxing it. I think I would take that up with them, find out what it is
> for, and why it is exempt from your state taxes. With a bill like that I am
> surprised they include anything with the base price. They seem to be
> struggling with the light and dark side within. Charging absorbent fees for
> some things and including other things in the base charge.
> On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 11:47 AM Travis Johnson <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just received a new billing statement from my ISP, and I was shocked.
>> Attached is the actual bill, but here are a few facts:
>> (1) They "automatically" added their "PC Care Support" service.
>> (2) They are charging a "Carrier Recovery Fee", which is just profit.
>> (3) Their pricing is crazy... $89.95/month for up to 20Mbps (and
>> $69.96/month for up to 10Mbps).
>> (4) Static IP address is $20/month.
>> It's really too bad these guys have become just as bad as every other
>> telco in the country... people use them because they don't have any
>> other choice, not because they want to.
>> Travis

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