African languages need to be developed - Blade Nzimande

Blade Nzimande
22 November 2012

Minister says both wealthy and poor black children lose out from a lack
of mother tongue education

Keynote address by the Minister of Higher Education and Training, Dr BE
Nzimande, MP, at the 10th Anniversary of the Stellenbosch University
Language Centre

22 Nov 2012

The role of African Languages in a 21st century education

Programme Director

Vice Chancellor of Stellenbosch University, Prof Russel Botman
Prof Herman Batibo from Botswana
Distinguished Guests
Ladies and Gentlemen

I am delighted to have been invited to deliver an address at this event
which celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Stellenbosch University
Language Centre.

The importance of the development of African languages in our education
system, in particular higher education, is well established and cannot
be over emphasised. Over the years we have witnessed the gradual death
of our languages, apart from English and Afrikaans, in the absence of
their development as languages of teaching and learning, commerce and
academia more generally.

The debate is no longer whether we should develop African languages as
languages of scholarship in academia, but rather when and how should
these languages be part of our academic discourse beyond the mere
symbolism that is currently at play at most of our universities.

At this stage of our young democracy, we should be taking stock of the
progress we have made in the development of our languages and not debate
whether or not it is practical or viable to affirm the value of African
languages. We are past the stages of debate. Eighteen years into our
democracy, we should be past the stage where we are still surprised of
the so few dissertations written or research conducted in any of our
indigenous languages.

I am sure you will agree with me that we have been on a downward slope
when it comes to ensuring the vibrant development of our languages. From
an early age many of our children, particularly those from middle class
families, are taught and converse in English in their homes. This would
not be problematic if it was not done at the expense of indigenous

Parents do this because they see advantages in getting their children
ready for the school curriculum as delivered in former `model C'
schools, as it is mostly delivered in English. In these schools it is
often not possible to study an African language other than Afrikaans.
Children become alienated from the language of their parents and
grandparents, and lose their heritage. Parents do this because they know
that in the longer term, fluency in English is a greater advantage to
opportunities in higher education and later in the world of work.

On the other end of the spectrum, many of our young children in rural
and poor communities learn their home language or African mother tongue
without being exposed to English. They start school learning in their
mother tongue for the first few years and thereafter move across to
English as the medium of instruction before they have a chance to learn,
read and think effectively in their own languages and fully understand

This leads to major hardships and problems related to learning that
could be avoided if African languages were offered as the medium of
instruction, i.e. teaching and learning, all the way through school and
into the Grade 12 examinations.

Both sets of our children and youth, the wealthy and the poor, loose out
in this perverse situation.

The development of African languages is tied to social justice which is
an indispensable element of nation building and the promotion of social
cohesion in our country. The development of all official languages is a
necessity for human rights and dignity, access and success at
post-school institutions, preservation of our heritage, communication
and culture. Ngugi wa Thiongo makes this point clear in his famous essay
"The Language of African Literature" when he says and I quote "language,
any language, has a dual character: it is both a means of communication
and a carrier of culture".

He goes on to say that, "language, as culture, is the collective memory
bank of a people's experience in history. Culture is almost
indistinguishable from the language that makes possible its genesis,
growth, banking, articulation and indeed its transmission from one
generation to the next". Therefore the death of a language is the death
of a culture and should not be something we must take lightly.

It stands to reason that we cannot effectively preserve and promote the
cultures and histories of our people if we do not pay special attention
to the development of their languages. In other words, the best route to
preserve peoples' cultures is to start with their languages. We know
that languages do not develop `naturally' or on their own, as some
would want us to believe, but their development is a result of concerted
human effort and commitment.

Languages are developed within definite limits to suit the interests of
different groups of people. Such is evident in the case of so-called
standard languages as opposed to non-standard regional or social dialect
varieties which our indigenous languages were made to assume under
apartheid. Thus the late Neville Alexander advised us that, and I quote,
"the former [standard languages] are invariably the preferred varieties
of the ruling class or ruling strata in any given society. They prevail
as a norm because of the economic, political-military, or
cultural-symbolic power of the rulers, not because they are "natural" in
any meaning of the term" (Alexandra, 2007: After Apartheid: the Language

Trends in post-colonial Africa show that many African countries have
struggled to develop and maintain indigenous languages, particularly in
higher education. Examples of strong preservation of these languages
within the academy are few and far between. Colonial languages have
continued to dominate in education, commerce, the media, and in
international and continental exchanges. While we cannot ignore global
imperatives for communication and academic transfer, engagement and
knowledge building, we do not have to neglect indigenous languages.

I often find that language is a barrier in scholarship and we do not
have to go far to find examples of these. If we look across the globe,
at the same time as English has developed as an international language
of commonality, many advanced countries use their own languages as
languages of teaching, learning and scholarship to name but a few for
example French, German, Japanese, Spanish. The barrier is when languages
are not developed as languages of scholarship.

The South African Constitution is clear about the importance of all
languages and the rights of their speakers. Section 29 (2) of the Bill
of Rights states that, "Everyone has the right to receive education in
the official language or languages of their choice in public educational
institutions where that education is reasonably practicable". However in
practice, this right is not in place. When we fail to develop our
languages, we are failing our constitutional obligation and this is a
serious matter.

The Language Policy for Higher Education promulgated in 2002 calls for
"the simultaneous development of a multilingual environment in which all
our languages are developed as academic and/or scientific languages
while at the same time ensuring that the existing languages of
instruction do not serve as a barrier to access and success".

The Policy notes that "the role of language and access to language
skills is critical to ensure the rights of individuals to realise their
full potential to participate in and contribute to the social, cultural
intellectual, economic and political life of South African society".
The development of African languages is therefore critical for active
citizenship, to ensure that ordinary South Africans are able to
participate in public discussions in the language they are most
comfortable with. In other words, the development of indigenous
languages is a fundamental building block to our democracy. The reality
in South Africa today is that many people are excluded from national
debates as these are carried out mostly in English, which statistics
show is spoken by less than 10% of South Africans.

I am aware that universities are at different levels of promoting
multilingualism within their operations. There are universities which
have developed language policies with multilingualism cited as an
important element or drive in their policies. However, I am also aware
that to some universities multilingualism and the promotion of African
languages remain mere policy expressions that have no articulation in
To these universities the concept of multilingualism is often invoked as
evidence of compliance with policy and Constitutional imperatives, there
is very little on the ground to show that the institution is indeed
committed to develop indigenous African languages.
While the department commends those institutions which have made
consistent progress in affirming African languages in their day to day
operations, including the introduction of these languages in some study
programmes, we remain concerned with the slow development of African
languages at our universities.

The long-term goal is to go beyond `functional usage' or
communication, and develop African languages into languages of teaching
and research within universities. We need to debunk the myth that
African languages cannot be used for high level scientific research and
philosophical thinking. It is therefore important that they need to be
developed as such.

In an essay on "the challenge of the pan-Africanist intellectual in the
era of globalisation", Ngugi wa Thiongo cites the renowned African
historian, Cheik anta Diop, saying that "no language has a monopoly on
cognitive vocabulary, that every language could develop its terms for
science and technology...." Ngugi goes on to correctly argue that "even
languages like English and French had to overcome similar claims of
inadequate vehicles for philosophy and scientific thought as against the
once dominant Latin". In South Africa we have a perfect example from our
own history of how this can be done in a relatively short time, i.e.
Afrikaans. This was a language that was deliberately developed into a
language of science and commerce from a kitchen `taal'. Since 1948
it has developed into a strong language of intellectual production. The
quest for the development of African languages should draw inspiration
from these historical examples.

Language is the entry point for development because it allows for direct
communication with others and thus becomes a motivation for people to
want to learn more. Therefore, for the majority of communities to be
actively involved in global communication networks, indigenous African
languages would need to expand their sphere of influence so that they
are able to communicate important knowledge, not only locally but
globally as well.

I do not want to dwell too much on processes that my department has put
in place to ensure the development of indigenous African languages in
higher education. I am sure you are already aware of the Ministerial
Advisory Panel that I have put together to look into this matter.

The establishment of this Advisory Panel was, amongst others, triggered
by the findings of the Soudien Report published in 2008 which noted
increasing "feelings of marginalisation by English second language
speakers at universities". The report recommended that the Minister
initiates a broad review of the obstacles facing the implementation of
effective language policies and practices at institutions.

The Panel will submit its report in June next year with the expectation
that based on the terms of reference, the report will provide concrete
recommendations and proposals on interventions to be made to speed up
the development of African languages within higher education

My Ministry believes that our education system needs a radical shift of
mindset and begin to see the development and affirmation of African
languages as a Constitutional obligation in order to ensure a better
life for our people, and an important imperative towards inclusive
citizenship. We cannot successfully move forward as a nation when large
numbers of our people are left outside public deliberations as a result
of our limiting language choices.

As Prah (2007) puts it, we cannot continue with a situation where the
overwhelming majorities of South African society are culturally
relatively-deprived and linguistically silenced. This is not sustainable
and certainly threatens the stability of our democracy. We will have to
understand how we can do this throughout the education system. It is
clear that this cannot be done simply at the higher education level. The
development of the languages however must be led by the higher education

We must see multilingualism and cultural diversity as an asset that must
be nurtured and fruitfully utilised, and not as a threat or a problem to
run away from. African languages are resources that should enrich us all
as a nation. Surely, they help us to better understand ourselves and
relationships with one another. Their development will not isolate us
from the rest of the global knowledge communities, but will indeed
enrich our engagement with these communities. They affirm who we are and
enable us to engage with the rest of humanity as equals in knowledge
production and other areas of human engagement.

Once again, thank you to the Stellenbosch University Language Centre and
the organisers of this gathering for the invitation to come and share
some ideas on role and position of African languages in higher
education. I wish you success in your deliberations and I hope you will
share the outcome with the Ministerial Panel on the Development of
African Languages.

I thank you.

Issued by the Department of Higher Education and Training, November 22

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