Hi all,

As you might have already heard, today, there will be a hearing by the US 
congress to " Examine Internet Governance Transition". This hearing has been 
scheduled by Sen. Ted Cruz who is leading a group of GOP congresspersons who 
are questioning the IANA transition process at this very critical time since 
the contract between the US Commerce Department's National Telecommunications 
and Information Administration (NTIA) and ICANN is set to expire on September 
30 and the structures proposed by the ICG should take over the oversight of 
IANA functions. Some conservative circles are calling for a delay in the 
transition or no transition at all which is a very dangerous prospect and we 
hope the congress with not take  a decision that will harm the IANA transition 
process that has had bi-partisan support.

For more information on Internet Society's position on this critical issue, 
please read the following positions from Internet Society VP Policy and CEO :


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