This week, more comments and thoughts on The Economist last week story “The 
world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but 
 calling for new regulatory measures for the Internet giants.
In Europe, The European Union has demanded urgent talks with the United States 
over a possible extension to some European countries of a US ban on airline 
passengers taking laptops into cabins. As for UBER, A legal advisor to the 
European Court of Justice has ruled that Uber is a taxi company, not an 
internet company, and should be subject to the same regulations as competitors. 
Furthemore, The European Commission has published a review of its digital 
single market strategy, taking stock of the progress made, calling on the 
Council and the European parliament to implement existing proposals and 
outlining further actions on online platforms, data economy and cybersecurity. 
Internet companies like Google<> and 
Apple<> are abusing their power and scale, a 
number of European technology businesses such as Spotify have claimed.

In Africa, at the Regional Internet and Development 
Dialogue<> taking place in 
Kigali, Rwanda, the Internet Society revealed the results of a study entitled 
“Internet for Education in Africa – Helping Policymakers to Meet the Global 

On hacking and fake news, French president Emmanuel Macron confirmed on Friday 
a "massive" computer hack that dumped its campaign emails online less than two 
days before the election.

China’s new Cybersecurity Law will become effective on June 1, 2017. In 
addition to focusing on cybersecurity, the law also details how companies are 
to handle personal information and data.

On Internet shutdown, raising alarm over the impact of internet and social 
media restrictions imposed by authorities in the Indian state of Jammu and 
Kashmir, United Nations human rights experts have called on the Government to 
protect the right to freedom of expression.

On security, six U.S intelligence officials express 'concern' over Moscow-based 
internet security firm Kaspersky Lands

On Net neutrality, the day after comedian John Oliver 
implored<> his 
viewers to leave a pro-regulation, pro–net neutrality comment, the FCC 
 it had suffered a DDoS attack that crashed its website. Two days later, a 
ZDNet report 
 that more 58,000 anti-net neutrality comments left on the site used the exact 
same language, although the origin of the text appears unknown

On privacy, the city of Seattle will move forward with its own plan to restore 
broadband user privacy rules despite the recent law passed by U.S. Congress, 
signed by President Trump in April, which gave ISPs the green light to collect 
customer data.
Below, informations on those subjects and events as well as documents on 
cyberpolitics, internet of things...

See full review here:
Internet Gov Weekly Brief : Is Data new Oil? EU airline laptop ban, Uber; EU 
digital single market, Africa RIDD, China’s new Cybersecurity Law, hacking & 
elections, Kashmir Internet 
SUMMARY This week more comments and thoughts on The Economist last week story 
“The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data,” calling for 

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