waduh bro...sorry neeeh....
soalnya barangnya juga lagi laku keras neeeh dipasarannyaa.....
mending loe ambil dulu 1 pcs gue kasih harganya grosir deeh...trs ntar loe 
coba tawarin dulu....
klo ada yg mau ntar loe tinggal contact gue ajah.....
Insya Allah stock nya masih slalu ada,,,,

"Sunarko" <engineering_...@muliagroup.co.id> 
Sent by: aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
24/07/2009 09:19
Please respond to


~ aga ~ Re: Pagi agaer ...........

boleh ambil dulu ga bro
gw ada stand keliling
biasalah kalo gw iseng suka nongkrong di pasar kaget
kadang jualan baju atawa apalah sambil ajak anak gw maen
gw juga ada stand di pasar deket perempatan pasir gombong
taukan bro deket daerah kontrakan tuch
gw mo survey pasar dulu
----- Original Message ----- 
From: rfab...@pacbrands.com.au 
To: aga-madjid@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 9:14 AM
Subject: ~ aga ~ Re: Pagi agaer ...........

hehehhe....ntar juga mereka berdua bakalan nungul deeh....hehehe 

Moonwalk nya ada di rumah gue.... 
dirumah gue masih ada 5 pcs lagi....
20 lusin lagi masih dalam perjalanan..... 

Mau order neeeh bro..???

"Sunarko" <engineering_...@muliagroup.co.id> 
Sent by: aga-madjid@googlegroups.com 
24/07/2009 08:57 

Please respond to


~ aga ~ Re: Pagi agaer ...........

hahahahahahaahhh .........mbah surip*mode on* 
jadi kangen nich ma mereka 
alow deasy alow juga adikku dewi 
bro ......... 
moonwalk nya ada di daerah mana yach 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: rfab...@pacbrands.com.au 
To: aga-madjid@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 8:54 AM 
Subject: ~ aga ~ Re: Pagi agaer ........... 

Padahal loe udah di cariin tuh ma si Deasy n si Dedew......heheheh

"Sunarko" <engineering_...@muliagroup.co.id> 
Sent by: aga-madjid@googlegroups.com 
24/07/2009 08:36 

Please respond to


~ aga ~ Re: Pagi agaer ...........

hahahahaaaaa ..... 
syuting XXX bro ...... 
udah insyaf kok ........... 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: rfab...@pacbrands.com.au 
To: aga-madjid@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 8:38 AM 
Subject: ~ aga ~ Re: Pagi agaer ........... 

Pagi juga Bro....... 

Kemana ajah loe udah lama kagak nungul..????? 
lagi syuting kejar tayang yeaaah...???? xixixixixx

"Sunarko" <engineering_...@muliagroup.co.id> 
Sent by: aga-madjid@googlegroups.com 
24/07/2009 08:30 

Please respond to


~ aga ~ Pagi agaer ...........

Selamat pagi .............. 
sungguh menyenangkan bisa bertemu lagi dengan bro n sis semua 

Engineering Dept.
Muliaglass Container Div.
phone: +62-21-8935710  ext: 7715 

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