ih om rohmat mah loh,,,,

  ngacengaja kedelete,,,

  eh salah

  gak sengaja,,,,

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Rochmad Sigit 
  To: aga-madjid@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 10:39 AM
  Subject: ~ aga ~ Re: PerMisi .. PErmisi .. Curhat Dunk ...


  Tuh Ed kirim lagi :p


  Rochmad Sigit.

  2009/8/27 Winda <winda.a...@pci.co.id>

    coba d kirim lagi um....

    yg kmrn gak sengaja ke delete


      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Edy Haryanto 
      To: aga-madjid@googlegroups.com 
      Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 10:34 AM
      Subject: ~ aga ~ Re: PerMisi .. PErmisi .. Curhat Dunk ...

      Yup, seperti kata sigit,

      Pake cara seperti itu, kemarin2 gw sempet kirim aplikasinya ke forum.

      -- Edy Haryanto --


      From: aga-madjid@googlegroups.com [mailto:aga-mad...@googlegroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Rochmad Sigit
      Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 10:30 AM
      To: aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
      Subject: ~ aga ~ Re: PerMisi .. PErmisi .. Curhat Dunk ...

      Pake Proxy software,,
      jadi yang connect cuma satu orang yang udah install software CCproxy, 
yang lain tinggal ngisi proxy nembak ke IP yang connect internet


      Rochmad Sigit.

      2009/8/27 Pemi Hari Utami <ph-ut...@bluegaz.co.id>

      Gimana caranya 1 modem bs rame2?? Jenis modem nya apa??


      From: aga-madjid@googlegroups.com [mailto:aga-mad...@googlegroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Edy Haryanto
      Sent: 27 Agustus 2009 10:09
      To: aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
      Subject: ~ aga ~ Re: PerMisi .. PErmisi .. Curhat Dunk ...

      Beli modem aja lah… patungan rame2 sama temen, ntar bisa sharing rame2 

      Seperti gw disini, 1 modem dikeroyok belasan orang J

      -- Edy Haryanto --


      From: aga-madjid@googlegroups.com [mailto:aga-mad...@googlegroups.com] On 
Behalf Of dodolipedz
      Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 9:55 AM
      To: aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
      Subject: ~ aga ~ Re: PerMisi .. PErmisi .. Curhat Dunk ...

      brati udah jelas ini mah.. faktor user !!


        ----- Original Message ----- 

        From: *dEdeW LaGieH* 

        To: aga-madjid@googlegroups.com 

        Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 9:38 AM

        Subject: ~ aga ~ Re: PerMisi .. PErmisi .. Curhat Dunk ...

        UDeh kebanyakn yg gw coba .. tapi kagak ada yg bisa juga .... T_T ....

        On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 9:36 AM, Sofyan <sof...@saipem.co.id> wrote:

        Coba juga di www.slyuser.com…

        Mudah2 bisa…..


        From: aga-madjid@googlegroups.com [mailto:aga-mad...@googlegroups.com] 
On Behalf Of Oktaf Triwidaya Agni
        Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 9:19 AM 

        To: aga-madjid@googlegroups.com

        Subject: ~ aga ~ Re: PerMisi .. PErmisi .. Curhat Dunk ...

        Klo face book di proxi ada beberapa cara (gw pernah coba coz di kantor 
gw jg di blok)

          1.. coba bukanya pake secure : https://www.facebook.com 
          2.. coba versi mobilenya : http://m.facebook.com 
          3.. pake free proxi ser ver 
            1.. www.ctunnel.com 
            2.. www.dtunnel.com 
            3.. www.youtubeunblock.com 
                   klo pake free proxy macam ctunnel dll nnti di kolom begin 
browsing isi aja websitemya facebook (www.facebook.com).

        Demikian cara yg gw pake… tpi ini g berlaku klo IT nya eksis dlm jaga 
proxi.. hehe

        Best Regards,

        Oktaf  Triwidaya A.

        PT. Danareksa Sekuritas

        Tlp: 021- 7396988 ext 8177

        fax: 021- 7396966

        Hp:  +62.856 97 447 327



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        From: aga-madjid@googlegroups.com [mailto:aga-mad...@googlegroups.com] 
On Behalf Of *dEdeW LaGieH*
        Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 8:35 AM
        To: aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
        Subject: ~ aga ~ PerMisi . PErmisi .. Curhat Dunk ...

        Bro n SiSta ,,,

        Sedih Neh Gw .....

        Cuz Connect ke Pesbuk Di BLock Ma IT ..... 
        Ada YanG PuNya CaRa Tak Biar Gw TeTep EkSis Di PeSBUk ... Heee,
        * SebELuMNya MuaKaCih YaCH ..*

        Email secured by Check Point 


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