utk liga yg durasinya relatif pendek ini mending pendaftarannya cukup 10rebu aja bro
itu pendapat gw

Rully Fabian wrote:
masalah biaya pendaftarannya kira2 enaknya brapa neeh..???
disepakatin dulu ajah bro ma semuanya...biar sama2 enak n ga ada penyesalan klo misalnya nnti kalah.....xixixixixiix

2010/5/12 Najib <na...@seid.sharp-world.com <mailto:na...@seid.sharp-world.com>>

    Rully berapa kita haurs setor,sampe tanggal berapa buruan,dah
    napsu nih...pengen bantai mahen

        ----- Original Message -----
        *From:* Ear-One <mailto:ear.one...@gmail.com>
        *To:* aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
        *Sent:* Wednesday, May 12, 2010 11:27 AM
        *Subject:* RE: ~ aga ~ Fantasy World Cup : Your League Details
        = Please Join =

        Wakakaka, PD amat nih Mahen.... apa dah belajar dari kekalahan
        di LSK

        Bayar kesepakatannya kemana nih, di info dong no Rekeningnya...

        -----Original Message-----
        From: aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
        <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>] On
        Behalf Of maHen
        Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 11:06 AM
        To: aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
        Subject: Re: ~ aga ~ Fantasy World Cup : Your League Details =
        Please Join =

        tenang aja bro, paling ntr kedua2nya bakal ada diposisi buncit

        Rully Fabian wrote:
        > iyaa kali yaah....xixixix,,,,
        > jangan2 PG bikin 2 team biar ga kalah mulu....wkawkawkakwkwa....
        > 2010/5/12 maHen <faridian_maihen...@yahoo.co.uk
        > <mailto:faridian_maihen...@yahoo.co.uk>>
        >     harimau tapanuli itu kl gk salah julukan buat tim dr
        medan gt
        >     apa jgn2 bro PG bikin 2 tim skaligus ya hehehehe
        >     Rully Fabian wrote:
        >         wakwkawk....baru gue juga mau nanya bro.....xxiixixix
        >         namanya angker bgt yeaah......hehehehe
        >         kayanya ntu si wenki deeh bro.....xixixixixix
        >         2010/5/12 maHen <faridian_maihen...@yahoo.co.uk
        >         <mailto:faridian_maihen...@yahoo.co.uk>
        >         <mailto:faridian_maihen...@yahoo.co.uk
        >         <mailto:faridian_maihen...@yahoo.co.uk>>>
        >            Harimau Tapanuli tim siapa tu hehehe?
        >            Najib wrote:
        >                Baru tujuh,pemain lamannya :
        >                  1. mahen United
        >                  2. ulan Fc
        >                  3. Harimau tapanuli
        >                  4. PSMS medan
        >                  5. ama Fabian FC
        >                Nah yang baru
        >                  1. GUe
        >                  2. Upin ipin nye asean
        >                   ----- Original Message -----
        >                   *From:* Rully Fabian
        >         <mailto:rully.fab...@gmail.com>
        >                <mailto:rully.fab...@gmail.com
        >         <mailto:rully.fab...@gmail.com>>>
        >                   *To:* aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>
        >                <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>>
        >                   <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>
        >                <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>>>
        >                   *Sent:* Wednesday, May 12, 2010 10:19 AM
        >                   *Subject:* Re: ~ aga ~ Fantasy World Cup :
        Your League
        >                Details =
        >                   Please Join =
        >                   Siapa ajah neeeh yg udah pada bikin team
        untuk WC 2010
        >                ini...???
        >                   trs mana lagi neeeh member LSK kemaren kok
        >         blom daftar
        >                   semua siyhh..???? heheheh
        >                   Team Bekas & PSMS ngundurin diri yeaah
        dari LSK..??
        >                wakwkawkawkkw..
        >                   Ayooo dunk Aga'ers yg lainnya ikutan juga buat
        >         ngeramein pesta
        >                   piala dunia yg cuma 4 thn sekali neeeh.....
        >                   klo yg ikutnya diatas 20 orang pasti lebih
        >         seru...apalagi
        >                klo ada
        >                   kata kesepakatan bersama nya.....xixixixixixi
        >                   On 5/12/2010 10:03 AM, Najib wrote:
        >                       tapi kok gue mau pilih kiper dari belanda
        >         vandesar gak
        >                    ada sih
        >                       ???padahal pemaen laen gak ada yang
        >                           ----- Original Message -----
        >                           *From:* Najib
        >         <mailto:na...@seid.sharp-world.com
        >         <mailto:na...@seid.sharp-world.com>
        >                    <mailto:na...@seid.sharp-world.com
        >         <mailto:na...@seid.sharp-world.com>>>
        >                           *To:* aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>
        >                    <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>>
        >                           <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>
        >                    <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>>>
        >                           *Sent:* Wednesday, May 12, 2010
        10:01 AM
        >                           *Subject:* Re: ~ aga ~ Fantasy
        World Cup :
        >         Your League
        >                           Details = Please Join =
        >                           ooo gitu ya....edit lagi ah
        >                               ----- Original Message -----
        >                               *From:* Ear-One
        >         <mailto:ear.one...@gmail.com
        >                    <mailto:ear.one...@gmail.com
        >         <mailto:ear.one...@gmail.com>>>
        >                               *To:*
        aga-madjid@googlegroups.com <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>
        >                    <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>>
> <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>
        >                    <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>>>
        >                               *Sent:* Wednesday, May 12,
        2010 9:58 AM
        >                               *Subject:* RE: ~ aga ~ Fantasy
        World Cup
        >         : Your
        >                    League
        >                               Details = Please Join =
        >                               Gw dah tau jawabannya bro, itu
        >         rule nya,
        >                    1 negara
        >                               hanya boleh 1 pemain. jadi
        kalo dah ada
        >         pemain
        >                    argentina
        >                               sebagai pemain belakang,
        otomatis pemain
        >                    argentina lain
        >                               ngak bisa kita pilih lagi.
        >                               *From:*
        aga-madjid@googlegroups.com <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>
        >                    <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>>
> <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>
        >                    <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>>>
> [mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>
        >                    <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>>] *On Behalf Of
        >                               *Sent:* Wednesday, May 12,
        2010 9:26 AM
        >                               *To:*
        aga-madjid@googlegroups.com <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>
        >                    <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>>
> <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>
        >                    <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>>>
        >                               *Subject:* Re: ~ aga ~ Fantasy
        World Cup
        >         : Your
        >                    League
        >                               Details = Please Join =
        >                               itu juga yang gue alami
        bro,udah lu
        >         terima aja
        >                    apa yang
        >                               ada,xixixixixi
        >                                   ----- Original Message -----
        >                                   *From:* Ear-One
        >                    <mailto:ear.one...@gmail.com
        >         <mailto:ear.one...@gmail.com>
        >         <mailto:ear.one...@gmail.com>>>
        >                                   *To:*
        aga-madjid@googlegroups.com <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>
        >                    <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>>
> <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>
        >                    <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>>>
        >                                   *Sent:* Wednesday, May 12,
        2010 9:24 AM
        >                                   *Subject:* RE: ~ aga ~
        Fantasy World
        >         Cup : Your
        >                                   League Details = Please Join =
        >                                   Gw dah join, tapi kok
        waktu transfer ada
        >                    beberapa
        >                                   pemain yg gw ngak bisa
        pilih yah.
        >         contohnya
        >                    pemain
        >                                   belakang n tengah, gw ngak
        >         milih dari
        >                    inggris,
        >                                   tp pemain depan bisa. trus
        >         depan, gw
        >                    ngak bisa
        >                                   pilih argentina. kategori
        pemain yg
        >         gw ngak
        >                    bisa
        >                                   pilih tuh ada di "not
        available for
        >         selection".
        >                                   Ada yg bisa kasih pencerahan?
        >                                   Thanks.
        >                                   Ulan321 United
        >                                   --                 you
        have this email
        >                    because you join to "aga-madjid"
        >                                   GoogleGroups.
        >                                   to post emails, just send to :
> aga-madjid@googlegroups.com <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>
        >                    <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>>
        >                                   to join this group, send
        blank email
        >         to :
> > aga-madjid-subscr...@googlegroups.com
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid-subscr...@googlegroups.com>
        >                    <mailto:aga-madjid-subscr...@googlegroups.com
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid-subscr...@googlegroups.com>>
        >                                   to quit from this group,
        just send
        >         email to :
> > aga-madjid-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com>
> <mailto:aga-madjid-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com>>
        >                                   if you wanna know me,
        please visit my
        >                    facebook at
        >                                   aga8...@gmail.com
        >         <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com> <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com
        >         <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com>>
        >                                   or add me in Yahoo
        Messenger at
        >                    aga.mad...@yahoo.com
        <mailto:aga.mad...@yahoo.com> <mailto:aga.mad...@yahoo.com>
        >         <mailto:aga.mad...@yahoo.com
        >                                   thanks for joinning this
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        >         <mailto:aga-madjid-subscr...@googlegroups.com>>
        >                               to quit from this group, just
        send email
        >         to :
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        >         <mailto:aga-madjid-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com>>
        >                               if you wanna know me, please
        visit my
        >         facebook at
        >                               aga8...@gmail.com
        >         <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com> <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com
        >         <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com>>
        >                               or add me in Yahoo Messenger at
        >                    aga.mad...@yahoo.com
        <mailto:aga.mad...@yahoo.com> <mailto:aga.mad...@yahoo.com>
        >         <mailto:aga.mad...@yahoo.com
        >                               thanks for joinning this group.
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        >                               to quit from this group, just
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        >         <mailto:aga-madjid-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com>>
        >                               if you wanna know me, please
        visit my
        >         facebook at
        >                               aga8...@gmail.com
        >         <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com> <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com
        >         <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com>>
        >                               or add me in Yahoo Messenger at
        >                    aga.mad...@yahoo.com
        <mailto:aga.mad...@yahoo.com> <mailto:aga.mad...@yahoo.com>
        >         <mailto:aga.mad...@yahoo.com
        >                               thanks for joinning this group.
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        >                           if you wanna know me, please visit my
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        <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com> <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com>
        >         <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com>>
        >                           or add me in Yahoo Messenger at
        >                    aga.mad...@yahoo.com
        <mailto:aga.mad...@yahoo.com> <mailto:aga.mad...@yahoo.com>
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        >                       if you wanna know me, please visit my
        facebook at
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        <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com> <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com>
        >         <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com>>
        >                       or add me in Yahoo Messenger at
        >         aga.mad...@yahoo.com <mailto:aga.mad...@yahoo.com>
        >                    <mailto:aga.mad...@yahoo.com
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        >                <mailto:aga-madjid-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
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        >                   if you wanna know me, please visit my
        facebook at
        >                aga8...@gmail.com <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com>
        >         <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com>>
        >                   or add me in Yahoo Messenger at
        aga.mad...@yahoo.com <mailto:aga.mad...@yahoo.com>
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        >                if you wanna know me, please visit my facebook at
        >                aga8...@gmail.com <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com>
        >         <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com>>
        >                or add me in Yahoo Messenger at
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        >            <mailto:aga-madjid-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
        >         <mailto:aga-madjid-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com>>
        >            if you wanna know me, please visit my facebook at
        >            aga8...@gmail.com <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com>
        >         <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com>>
        >            or add me in Yahoo Messenger at
        aga.mad...@yahoo.com <mailto:aga.mad...@yahoo.com>
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        >            <mailto:aga.mad...@yahoo.com
        >            thanks for joinning this group.
        >         --
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        >         to post emails, just send to :
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        >         aga-madjid-subscr...@googlegroups.com
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        >         aga-madjid-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
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        >         if you wanna know me, please visit my facebook at
        >         aga8...@gmail.com <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com>
        >         or add me in Yahoo Messenger at aga.mad...@yahoo.com
        >         <mailto:aga.mad...@yahoo.com>
        >         thanks for joinning this group.
        >     --
        >     you have this email because you join to "aga-madjid"
        >     to post emails, just send to :
        >     aga-madjid@googlegroups.com
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        >     to quit from this group, just send email to :
        >     aga-madjid-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
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        >     if you wanna know me, please visit my facebook at
        >     aga8...@gmail.com <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com>
        >     or add me in Yahoo Messenger at aga.mad...@yahoo.com
        >     <mailto:aga.mad...@yahoo.com>
        >     thanks for joinning this group.
        > --
        > you have this email because you join to "aga-madjid"
        > to post emails, just send to :
        > aga-madjid@googlegroups.com <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>
        > to join this group, send blank email to :
        > aga-madjid-subscr...@googlegroups.com
        > to quit from this group, just send email to :
        > aga-madjid-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
        > if you wanna know me, please visit my facebook at
        aga8...@gmail.com <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com>
        > or add me in Yahoo Messenger at aga.mad...@yahoo.com
        > thanks for joinning this group.

-- you have this email because you join to "aga-madjid" GoogleGroups.
        to post emails, just send to :
        aga-madjid@googlegroups.com <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>
        to join this group, send blank email to :
        to quit from this group, just send email to :
        if you wanna know me, please visit my facebook at
        aga8...@gmail.com <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com>
        or add me in Yahoo Messenger at aga.mad...@yahoo.com
        thanks for joinning this group.

-- you have this email because you join to "aga-madjid" GoogleGroups.
        to post emails, just send to :
        aga-madjid@googlegroups.com <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>
        to join this group, send blank email to :
        to quit from this group, just send email to :
        if you wanna know me, please visit my facebook at
        aga8...@gmail.com <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com>
        or add me in Yahoo Messenger at aga.mad...@yahoo.com
        thanks for joinning this group.

-- you have this email because you join to "aga-madjid" GoogleGroups.
    to post emails, just send to :
    aga-madjid@googlegroups.com <mailto:aga-madjid@googlegroups.com>
    to join this group, send blank email to :
    to quit from this group, just send email to :
    if you wanna know me, please visit my facebook at
    aga8...@gmail.com <mailto:aga8...@gmail.com>
    or add me in Yahoo Messenger at aga.mad...@yahoo.com
    thanks for joinning this group.

you have this email because you join to "aga-madjid" GoogleGroups.
to post emails, just send to :
to join this group, send blank email to :
to quit from this group, just send email to :
if you wanna know me, please visit my facebook at aga8...@gmail.com
or add me in Yahoo Messenger at aga.mad...@yahoo.com
thanks for joinning this group.

you have this email because you join to "aga-madjid" GoogleGroups.
to post emails, just send to :
to join this group, send blank email to :
to quit from this group, just send email to :
if you wanna know me, please visit my facebook at aga8...@gmail.com
or add me in Yahoo Messenger at aga.mad...@yahoo.com
thanks for joinning this group.

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