"Life is a journey.. Where we are all travellers" Pernah lihat iklan penerbangan negeri tetangga? Semua orang membawa tas masing-masing dalam keseharian. Suatu saat bertemu dengan yang membawa tas yang sama.
Saya suka ide iklan itu. Perjalanan. Memang kita itu layaknya traveller. Dalam hidup ini kita dari satu tempat ke tempat lainnya. Berjalan. Bertemu dengan orang-orang asing yang hanya lewat ataupun menjadi bagian hidup kita. Dan selayaknya perjalanan, kita hendaknya menikmati setiap saat yang ada. Semua kita nikmati. Detik demi detiknya. Let's the JOURNEY begin. And we all ENJOY every moment PASSING BY. be BETTER and WISER through all the EXPERIENCE we have. Be the ULTIMATE YOU day by day. Learn from the PEOPLE we've MET. -- -- you have this email because you join to "aga-madjid" GoogleGroups. to post emails, just send to : aga-madjid@googlegroups.com to join this group, send blank email to : aga-madjid+subscr...@googlegroups.com to quit from this group, just send email to : aga-madjid+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com please visit to www.facebook.com/aga.madjid, add my Yahoo Messenger at aga.mad...@yahoo.com or add my twitter @aga_madjid thanks for joinning this group. --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "aga-madjid" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to aga-madjid+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.