How does this mind persist knowledge? ..and going from 3 entities to say
10, 100, 1000 - what is the impact on responsiveness?
Does it modify its own data structures/code or store it in some file, say
json? How does it evolve/become more intelligent?
What is the mechanism for these minds to share their knowledge, is there an
API or could they just "talk" to each other thru the same interface humans
use to communicate with it?
Could it be trained as an agent, say to act as a sales representative
selling specific goods?
How easy is it for the masses of js developers out there to
understand/extend the basic open source mind framework, contribute and have
it grow exponentially? Is it on github?
How does it integrate with other AGI efforts, are there distinct modules to
Please explain it as general concepts without specific abbreviated variable
names, module names that have no meaning unless deciphered or single lines
of code - it is aGi after all, not this very narrowness - then we could all
think more about it.
It should actually have been self aware enough to have answered all these
questions and more about itself right?

On Tue, Jun 5, 2018, 23:51 A.T. Murray via AGI <> wrote:

> In the 5jun18A.html JavaScript AI Mind we would like to re-organize the
> SpreadAct() mind-module for spreading activation. It should have special
> cases at the top and default normal operation at the bottom. The special
> cases include responding to what-queries and what-think queries, such as
> "what do you think". Whereas JavaScript lets you escape from a loop with
> the "break" statement, JavaScript also lets you escape from a subroutine or
> mind-module with the "return" statement that causes program-flow to abandon
> the rest of the mind-module code and return to the supervenient module. So
> in SpreadAct() we may put the special-test cases at the top and with the
> inclusion of a "return" statement so that program-flow will execute the
> special test and then return immediately to the calling module without
> executing the rest of SpreadAct().
> When we run the JSAI without input, we notice that at first a chain of
> thought ensues based solely on conceptual activations and without making
> use of the SpreadAct() module. The AI says, "I HELP KIDS" and then "KIDS
> MAKE ROBOTS" and "ROBOTS NEED ME". As AI Mind maintainers we would like to
> make sure that SpreadAct() gets called to maintain chains of thought, not
> only so that the AI keeps on thinking but also so that the maturing AI Mind
> will gradually become able to follow chains of thought in all available
> directions, not just from direct objects to related ideas but also
> backwards from direct objects to related subjects or from verbs to related
> subjects and objects.
> In the EnNounPhrase() module we insert a line of code to turn each direct
> object into an actpsi or concept-to-be-activated in the default operation
> at the bottom of the SpreadAct() module. We observe that the artificial
> Mind begins to follow associative chains of thought much more reliably than
> before, when only haphazard activation was operating. In the special
> test-cases of the SpreadAct() module we insert the "return" statement in
> order to perform only the special case and to skip the treatment of a
> direct object as a point of departure into a chain of thought. Then we
> observe something strange when we ask the AI "what do you think", after the
> initial output of "I HELP KIDS". The AI responds to our query with "I THINK
> THAT KIDS MAKE ROBOTS", which is the idea engendered by the initial thought
> of "I HELP KIDS" where "KIDS" as a direct object becomes the actpsi going
> into SpreadAct(). So the beastie really is telling us what is currently on
> its mind, whereas previously it would answer, "I THINK THAT I AM A PERSON".
> When we delay entering our question a little, the AI responds "I THINK THAT
> --
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