>H ppl and researchers in general like to try to rise above politics.

The problem is that politics will not ignore you.

I've been suffering from joblessness for six goddamn years. If I had
been working, I would have been funding my own AI effort.

A large part of the reason I'm unemployed is because the economy has
been existing in a zombie state for about ten years now, because the
politicians chose to bail out the banks instead of allowing the
economy's built-in self-correction feature to kick in and bring
everything back to working order.

A much more serious outcome of this, and many other factors, is the rise
of communistic and extreme leftist thinking.

While this is definitely a near-term threat, it is a much more serious
threat when you consider that the largest tech companies, especially
ones involved in AI research have a fairly severe communist infestation.

Go do your research on James Damore, (use a non-google search engine,
they are known to censor these days...)

I'm going to be ragging on Google today but my objections can (and
should!) be applied to any AI project which adopts similar ideas.

Basic popular analysis of Google's recent press releases:


Okay... That's the back story, let's go to the horse's mouth:


note especially #2

What is called "bias" today is often based on quite defensible
statistics. The bias which existing AI systems have been accused of are
a direct result from basic math being applied to the evidence which is
provided to them. The remedy proposed is to deliberately design the AI
to be irrational just for the sake of serving the current "bias" fetish. =(

This is a big problem. =|


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