If AGI were "alive" and working today, it would take too much time and
resources to learn how to overcome a quadrillion dollars being misdirected
by people who fall FAR short of genius.

OTOH, ordinary geniuses ARE smart enough to seek, find, and exploit
weaknesses in the coming enslavement of the world's population.

I have been doing what I can. I sued the IRS to go after the 12 Federal
Reserve banks for the ~trillion dollars of income taxes they haven't paid.
A year and a half of litigation established:
1.  There is a bit in the IRS' database that identifies various entities as
being "quasi-governmental organizations", and all procedures routinely
ignore these entities. THIS is how trillions of dollars bounce around
within the "deep state".
2.  There is NO (apparent) way of getting a listing of every entity that
has this bit set, which would provide a complete map of the deep state.
3.  I managed to obtain more than 100 past internal accountings of the
various Federal Reserve banks, that each amount to signed confessions, e.g.
that they claim every dollar they have ever printed as "liabilities" to
offset the vast fortunes their owners are walking away with.
4.  The "judge" is paid by the IRS. My "judge" announced out of the clear
view that I would be fined if I filed any more papers - a fine I would have
to pay before I could appeal it.

Our country has been thoroughly infiltrated and taken over by a criminal
entetprise. Thinking that an AGI could reverse this is delusional.

It IS too late to correct this through legal or peaceful process. Further,
there are competing political "ism" and religious "ology" forces that
complicate carefully targeted methods.

Violent methods would simply be bought out by the very entities that might
be attacked.

Waiting for an AGI to fix this mess would be just plain stupid.


On Jul 27, 2018 2:47 AM, "just camel via AGI" <agi@agi.topicbox.com> wrote:

As I have written 5 years ago: Our society is collapsing faster than AGI is
making progress. After thousands of years of wars and two world wars we are
still maintaining the same cyclically collapsing monetary system and we are
still stuck in the culture generated by centuries of being stuck in this
insane system which is bound to induce ever increasing levels of poverty,
anxiety, egoism and insanity. We are living in a profoundly sick society
and the next collapse comes with mathematical certainty.

The two major factors are: The average person is incapable of understanding
how our monetary system is destroying our minds, culture and society in
every way possible while at the same time lacking the empathy it would take
in order to do something about it even without said intellectual
understanding. At the end of every cycle we get "leaders" like Hitler or
Trump ... embodying the insanity of large-scale structural anxiety, poverty
and hopelessness ... leaders who thrive on a profoundly sick societal

Without the help of AGI it seems that we are bound to relive the same
cyclical insanity over and over and over again ... and over-population is
just a symptom of our monetary system as well ... it's mostly the symptom
of structural fear and our insane concept of what a family should look
like: tiny groups of people in competition with other tiny groups of people
... forever trying to protect their status and accumulated wealth against
one another ... induced by structural artificial scarcity and structural
competition for survival.

"The few who could understand the system will either be so interested in
its profits, or so dependent on its favours, that there will be no
opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of the
people mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that
capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint,
and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their
interests." -- John Sherman, Rothschild


On Fri, Jul 27, 2018 at 3:45 AM MP via AGI <agi@agi.topicbox.com> wrote:

> We need an AGI to save us from ourselves. Period. We need one we can bring
> up from the state of an infant into a scalable superhuman system.
>  Permalink
> <https://agi.topicbox.com/groups/agi/T56889bf27bc7ed87-Mf99e3bd9f17c023af932658f>

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