
So you do not believe finite sets can contain contradictory meanings?
Because the proof that sets can have contradictory meanings uses infinities?

Despite the evidence of contradictory meanings in real sets, from real
language, going back 60 years.

Meanwhile linguistics is still split, structuralism is still destroyed.
No-one knows why distributed representation works better, and equally
no-one knows why we can't "learn" adequate representations.

So we flounder around, struggling with stuff which either "works" better or
doesn't "work" better, for what reason, nobody knows quite why.

Your solution is a return to symbolism?

OK. I got excited for a minute when I saw your reference to category
theory. But actually it turns out you don't see any special significance to
it. It is just your path back to symbolism.

So I'm back with my original assessment of OpenCog: it is stuck back in a
prior, symbolic, conception of computational linguistics.

Just as deep nets are stuck trying to "learn" representations. And a tweak
to add ad-hoc layers, to put a "spotlight" on fragments of context and
"learn" fragments of observed agreement and dependency, seems like an
"important step".

Whew, that's a relief. No advance in AI in the last 60 years after all.
Except distributed representation this last few years. But nobody knows
why. Back in our comfort zone.

Anyway, to round off, I don't think the OpenAI stuff is an important
advance. Incrementally they may be including fragments of context, but
everything has to be learned, from bigger and bigger data sets. There's
still no principle of combination of elements to create new meaning.

OpenCog may be capable of everything in principle. A network is a fully
flexible data structure. Ben saw that similarity with what I propose. But
you are not doing anything new in practice. Far from seeing the need for
it, you are moving away from distributed representation again. Stuck
thinking in terms of symbolic era theory.

But using the state-of-the-art from deep nets in practice.

LV> '...what's the diff?  Yes, I'm using the "observed words", just like
everyone else. And doing something with them, just like everyone else.'



On Sat, Feb 23, 2019 at 9:12 AM Linas Vepstas <>

> Oh foo. If you stopped engaging me in conversation, I could get some real
> work done that I need to do. However, lacking in willpower, I respond:
> On Fri, Feb 22, 2019 at 1:18 AM Rob Freeman <>
> wrote:
>> So this is just a property of sets.
> This is a property of infinite sets.  Finite sets don't have such
> problems.  Much or most of math is about dealing the infinite.  Examples:
> * You cannot count to infinity. But you can just say "the set of all
> natural numbers" and claim it exists (as an axiom).
> * Every real number has an infinite number of digits. You cannot write
> them down, but you can give some of them a name - "pi", "sqrt 2" so that
> others can know what you are talking about.
> * The complex exponential function exp(z) is "entire" on the complex plane
> z: it has no poles. ... except at infinity, where it has an "essential
> singularity": its totally tangled up there, in such a way that you cannot
> compactify or close or complete. The value of exp(z) as z \to \infty
> depends on the direction you go in.
> * Limits. Function spaces are tame when they have limits e.g. Banach
> spaces.  The tame ones are work-horses for practical applications. The
> whack ones are weird, and are objects of current study.
> * Complicated examples, e.g. Haupfvermutang about triangulation as an
> approximation.
> All I'm saying is that similar tensions about completeness/incompleteness
> when something goes to infinity happens in logic as well. One simple
> example, maybe:
> * A normal, finite state machine, as commonly understood, works on finite
> sets.  However, there is a way to define them so that they also work on
> infinite, smooth spaces: euclidean spaces R^n, probability spaces
> (simplexes), on "homogeneous spaces" (spheres, quotients of continuous
> groups, etc.)  These have the name of "geometric finite state machines".
> When the homogeneous space is U(n), then ts called a "quantum finite
> automata" (as in "quantum computing").
> * These "geometric finite automata" (GFA) are a lot like.. the ordinary
> ones, but they have subtle differences, involving the languages they can
> recognize...
> * Turing machines are a kind of "extension" of finite state machines. I
> have never seen any exposition showing a formulation of Turing machines
> acting on  homogeneous spaces. I assume that such expositions exist.
> Studying them should be interesting. Based on results on GFA, I expect that
> the languages they recognize will be different. I expect that the
> difference between "recursively enumerable" and "recursive" will be
> different, not like in ordinary Turing machines. Decidability will be
> different. I expect that Turing machines acting on  homogeneous spaces
> might be kind-of oracular-like in various ways. Viz. might be oracles for
> ordinary turing machines. I dunno.
> * So, insofar as Goedel's various theorems, and the other
> completeness/incompleteness theorems in logic are mapped to recognizable or
> recursive languages, then I expect that they would not apply, or that they
> would be altered, when one instead considers geometric turing machines. In
> particular, the incompleteness theorem might not hold, since, if I
> understand correctly, it depends on a recursive enumeration.
> The moral of the story is that "weird shit happens" when you go to
> infinity, everything is tangled there, its really cool, and its a mistake
> to think that what we currently understand is complete. Its not.
> (And of course, since we live in a quantum world, i.e. in the homogeneous
> space that is called "complex projective space", the atoms and photons and
> etc. are naturally interacting in this ... geometric way. They're not
> minature turing machines or miniature finite automata -- although they
> might be, probably are minature geometric finite automata or minautre
> geometric turing machines, where the geometry is that of complex projective
> space... )  (I kind of doubt this has anything to do with intelligence and
> thinking, but I could be wrong. Anyway, I think atoms evade goedel
> incompleteness in the above-described hand-waving exercise.)
>> That they are able to say more than one thing. The distributional
>> analysis of language structure also depends on the properties of sets.
> Language is more-or-less finite. I can kind-of-see ways where infinity
> sneaks in, but... I've already left the bounds of what's concrete and
> provable. Questions about decidability and completeness for natural human
> language (or for intelligence in general) is a red herring, I think.
> If forced to make my claim be provable, I would point out that neural
> nets, probability, etc. all work with real numbers that have an infinite
> number of decimal places. The space they work in is a homogeneous space
> called "the simplex" (i.e. sum_n p_n=1 --- probabilities sum to one) and
> thus the corresponding geometric automata and stack machines and turing
> machines are already evading  Goedel's theorem.  I don't even have to
> invoke "quantum" or "gravity" for this argument; simply working with real
> numbers already alters conclusions and invalidates any theorems that depend
> on discrete, finite sets.
>> In the concrete. I'm still not clear what your jigsaw pieces will look
>> like.
> I pointed at three or four PDF's -- the sleator-temperly paper, the coeke
> paper, and my own sheaves paper, which draws one explicitly on page 5 or
> 10.  There are more out there, this is not something I invented; its
> already "well known", just not "popularly known".
>> Ben agreed with my "network of observed language sequences", with context
>> links which "form little diamonds in the network". But what I'm reading
>> sounds like you are enhancing the nodes and the links of that network far
>> beyond observed words.
> From the network of "all possible grammatically correct sentences" one can
> extract the "syntactic rules of grammar", as the local structure of that
> network.  But one can also extract synonymous words/phrases ("X borders on
> Y" and "Y is next to X" - these are sections in the sheaf), and one can
> disambiguate word senses (e.g. the "eat pizza with" examples -- these fail
> to disambiguate precisely because you failed to look at the whole language
> network -- what else you can do with Bob, or with a fork: You can go
> fly-fishing with Bob, but never a fork. You can stab a piece of meat with a
> fork, but never with Bob)  All this stuff is there in the language network,
> and can be extracted -- it does not require common-sense, real-world visual
> I-walked-into-a-lamppost experience.  People have done this stuff with
> language in various toy problems. Mostly I'm proposing to assemble it into
> a completed, working system.
>> For instance you say, "If you don't know what the pieces are, but are
>> setting out to discover them by looking for statistical regularities in
>> language"?
>> Why would you need to do that? Why would you want to do that?! Given what
>> I've been saying above about multiple interpretation of sets, why would you
>> think that is possible? Especially if the "statistical regularities" might
>> resolve in ways which contradict each other, by the above? Why not just use
>> observed words, linked in the sequences they are observed to occur, and
>> find the regularities you need, on demand?
> ? what's the diff?  Yes, I'm using the "observed words", just like
> everyone else. And doing something with them, just like everyone else.
> --linas

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