On Friday, June 28, 2019 08:55 CEST, Nanograte Knowledge Technologies 
<nano...@live.com> wrote:
  "Theory: give enough computer scientists enough keyboards and time, and they 
will eventually figure out or stumble on whatever it takes to have general 
intelligence  Experiment: let the world's programmers work on this for half a 
century. Results: Zero, nada, nothing. Experiment failed. Time for another 

But that experiment was never achieved. It is only in your dream. Read again 
The Mythical Man-Month please.

I strongly believe that AGI is a complex thing (I believe this because human 
intelligence is a complex thing, and we have no theory of it).

We won't have any simple theory (e.g. fitting entirely in a single book) for 
making AGI.

Perhaps AGI might be achievable, but that would require a megaproject. Today, 
there is no any software megaprojects (in AI or elsewhere in computer science). 
Even the most complex software (eg. the billion lines of code for Google search 
engine) we have today don't fit into such a definition.

An AGI megaproject would require thousands of people working during several 
decades on it. Costing tens of billions of US$ or €.

As far as I know, it has not started. Even worse, I cannot name any megaproject 
today in the information technology domain.

Regarding AGI, we are like the nuclear scientists of the 1930s compared to 
current ITER project. And the ITER nuclear fusion reactor still don't work, and 
my belief is that nuclear fusion is a lot simpler than making AGI

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