like bitching schoolgirls with too tight knickers, guess if you can give it
you got to take it too, pissing with the big dogs

On Sun, Sep 8, 2019, 17:45 Nanograte Knowledge Technologies <> wrote:

> agreed. ramblings of a 1st year student who discovered philosophical
> studies.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Stefan Reich via AGI <>
> *Sent:* Sunday, 08 September 2019 12:22
> *To:* AGI <>
> *Subject:* Re: [agi] Re: Failure to Gravitate
> Sorry if I'm blunt, but these are all really just words, not contributing
> to actual AGI production.
> On Sun, 8 Sep 2019 at 01:14, <> wrote:
> You forgot the newest and the simplest things too ;)
> Lots of people focus on all sorts of things, many are between the atomic
> and galactic size, such as HDDs and rooftops. Lol.
> ...It is important we focus on the farthest questions, the simplest, the
> newest, the most important, and even seemingly unrelated problems.
> But what does farthest mean? What does newest mean? Why bother if they are
> unrelated to AGI? That's correct, we want the farthest and newest and
> oldest questions only if they are about AGI. Many are important, some more
> priority than others. Simpleness can mean quick to answer and higher
> priority. Newest/ oldest/ farthest simply means to give these questions a
> quick check if they are important to answer, they may not be at all, and as
> for farthest - this can allow you to weigh in on if your theory answers all
> sorts of observations, can allow you to learn from related but diverse
> questions.
> So in short summary recap: Physics leans towards the most important
> questions on its own. It will give fast checks to old/ new/ far/ simple/
> unrelated questions. The brain will usually (not for some ;) ) try to learn
> as much as can about related/unrelated knowledge as quick as can, related
> more so.  So old/ new doesn't mean much, they are only checked if are fast
> to solve and/or related. Partially unrelated learning is very helpful. So,
> the brain looks for 'new yummy streams' of related and somewhat related
> info that is fast to answer or verify true. Now that I have weaved on a
> roll here in my attentional memory I can say that new/ old/ far as said
> above was really just new info fed in and the brain always wants new
> related+somewhat unrelated info that is fast to answer/ verify, hence
> increasing the knowledgebase learning up high faster. Of course we want to
> answer how to build AGI, it's hard, the brains stay locked on the hard
> problem, but they can get they in polynominal time by stepping the right
> directions down the butterfly tree effect like AlphaZero using self-play
> learning on advanced GPUs made by Nividea. So this means the brain wants to
> tackle the hard, evolution-installed goals of self preservation to death de
> part, and it takes baby steps as fast as can. Usually many want just a
> house and a lover, it's not hard to make a life, it's hard to advance
> evolution though. But these are the smarter ones, they are seeking full
> preservation, and its hard. And the brain allows you to get there fast
> using baby steps, even though it is one of the hardest problems. I say one
> of because AGI is simpler than a global ASI hive or omega structure nebula.
> We tackle AGI because it is the direct easiest step to become immortal near
> instantly. But its hard. But its the best weighed in route. So the brain is
> taking the best fastest route to get what, it wants. And in that process,
> it is taking sub steps that are fast to learn or build in R&D, to get to
> the AGI goal.
> --
> Stefan Reich
> // Java-based operating systems
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