Agreed Steve. These comments are deeply disturbing for its intentional 
destructiveness and seeming insanity. With AI/AGI, absolute insanity would 
prevail, absolutely.

This is no surprise to me. My on-going research supports a phenomenal increase 
across the world of this kind of demonstrable, mental imbalance.

Recent, significant evidence thereof was the clandestine, social engineering of 
fear and hatred by Cambridge Analytica to swing the USA elections in Trump's 
favor and to secure a BREXIT vote.

Furthermore, and by their own admission and confirmed by hearings in the UK and 
the USA, doing the same social engineering with Facebook-supported data and 
technology across many nations in the world.

Clearly, the genie's out of the bottle. The bird has already flown. It is what 
it is. For most it's a simple case of: "It pays the bills!"

However, for researchers/developers in AI/AGI with a global conscience, I can 
only imagine them increasingly having to face ethical crossroads.

From: Steve Richfield <>
Sent: Wednesday, 02 October 2019 02:35
To: AGI <>
Subject: Re: [agi] The Job market.

This thread is an existence proof that people working on AGI have NO clue how 
much damage their creations would do in the hands of the power elite. If AI has 
made things THIS bad, then the damage that AGI would do is unimaginable - but 
that never even entered the conversation.

Forgive them, for they no not what they do? Hell no. You guys recklessly 
threaten the world's population without even looking where this is going.

The Terminator sequel considered the ethics of killing people like those on 
this forum - and decided it was OK.

How does this not fully meet the definition of insanity - of being a danger to 
yourselves and others?

On Mon, Sep 30, 2019, 5:42 PM <<>> 

    Thanks Stefan.

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