Backchannel uses TOR so it requires an internet connection. Steve had an
idea a few years ago for direct P2P intrrner between phones over WiFi,
which the protocol supports but is not widely used because of a bug (now
fixed) that caused the protocol to drastically slow down. The bug was a 32
bit clock overflow, but it took a long time to find and prompted the
development of Bluetooth as a replacement to do the same thing.

At the time we didn't see a big need for it, but now repressive
governments, having learned from the Arab Spring, routinely turn off the
internet to quell dissent. Kashmir has been without internet or phone
service for months to preemptively suppress opposition to India revoking
their autonomous status. Syria and many African countries do this.

The big technical problems are the short range of WiFi and battery drain.

On Wed, Oct 9, 2019, 11:04 PM John Rose <> wrote:

> P2P WiFi network on mobile devices, no towers, then run hyper secure
> decentralized blockchain comm like this
> Have fun tracing that suckas!
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