You "make up" "facts" all the time.  Take for example the "fact" that,
right now, there is no underground gerbie silently burrowing a hole in the
floor beneath your chair -- there is only a floor silently being a floor.
You don't observe this "fact".  You confabulate it.  You impute it.  You
deduce it from your "priors".  Indeed, if you look under your chair and,
indeed, the big bugeyes of an underground gerbie peering out of the hole it
had just silently dug beneath your chair, you likely will not consider the
existence of this underground gerbie to, in fact, exist but rather to
merely _possibly_ exist along with the _possible_ existence of a
hallucination that is "all in your head" of said gerbie who is no longer
underground but rather crawling up your leg to do who knows what?

On Fri, Oct 25, 2019 at 11:05 AM <> wrote:

> Isnt it "making UP for" missing data,  it actually doesnt invent anything
> just changes the score?
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