AGI, like us, is General, but can be seen failing in domains it doesn't 
specialize in. The global agent ex. Miami, or Canada, is a swarm of neurons 
(humans) and is 'General' as well. So are some specialized but still general 
cells... But (especially as a whole system, globally) we are becoming more 
General, able to download wisdom and hunt, make our beds and get fresh food 
easily, program, and are learning about diverse topics. When you learn big 
diverse data, you become more 'all knowing' / 'all-flexible' because for every 
pattern you learn you can solve 10 questions and eat the 10 answers, now able 
to answer 100, but slightly as well. So the more diverse data context you have 
the exponentially more you can answer/know if need it on the fly. This is why 
evolution is so fast these days, we have lots of diverse data, cell phones are 
the key profiter. The word General is there for a reason, we can do more, we 
can answer hard questions, - if we learnt enough diverse data patterns context 
and hence are really smart. There is only so many patterns/facets to learn, 
then you know them all approx. Yes you can know all the universe using very 
little data, because of patterns. Lastly, yes there is an ultimate final form 
evolution will approx. settle to after sorting particles around, and it will 
not become a frozen utopia either; there will always be Brownwinian motion in 
the end. Earth will become the best survivor against damage, a Generative Model 
that repairs anything out of place/order as fast as it can, using pattern-like 
organ fleets of nanobot modules that make up the sphere. It will have the 
just-right set of organs, some specialized, some more general, and through 
these set of organs, it is most stable and best at regenerating itself back 
from death. Btw all change is death and life, particles move/sort and we 
Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI
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