Alan Grimes. You belong on the naughty list.

From: Alan Grimes via AGI <>
Sent: Monday, 10 February 2020 19:55
To: AGI <>; 
Subject: Re: [agi] Re: General Intelligence vs. no-free-lunch theorem

I feel I owe you a response on this but I really don't think I'm going
to be joining a platform that can trace it's origins back to a DARPA
mass surveilance program called "Life Log" and is run by a person who
looks more like a gray than a human...

I think a good step for you would be to write better, more useful posts.
Make sure that your reader can understand the context of what you are
talking aobut and can follow what you are talking about even if a
portion of your posts are killed by spam filters and arrive out of order.

Ok, take Mahoney's post, first you have to cut out the garbage paragraph
that he seems to feel obliged to insert into all of his posts. But the
general idea was that we should be looking for opportunities for
inceremental advancement.

The problem with that approach is it leads you in the direction of
Goertzelitis... The general intelligence theorem states that either you
solve all problems or that any partial solutions you have aren't even

I suppose it comes down to two competing theories of the brain, both
recognize that the brain isn't truly general but is architected with
deep biases to solve human-relevant problems in a human-like way.

The first theory is that each brain region implements a general
intelligence algorithm that is tied to specific inputs or outputs and
that the network of these allows them to achieve higher order
capabilities such as language and reasoning.

The second theory is that the brain is composed of specialized areas
that are not generally intelligent on their own but come together to
form a system that is generally intelligent.

In the first case, we should invest our time in developing the algorithm
and principles of organization for general intelligence.

In the second case, we would try to figure out exactly which specialized
capabilities we need to implement such that more advanced capabilities
can be bootstrapped.

In either case, we need a framework for testing advanecd agents so that
they can develop and express/utilize/grow their general intelligence.
This would seem to be either a robotic platform or a virtual reality
environment. Each has its own advantages and limitations. Both
approaches will require tens, even hundreds, of millions of dollars of

The more money you want, the more you need to get it. Your basic options

A. Be Elon Musk. (a "rock star") that investors will simply throw money
because of past successes.

B. Have a solid business plan and a relatively large management team of
committed founders. I had hoped to assemble a team from this list but it
seems everyone who actually posts here are bigger losers than even I am
and I just can't get over the "yes, let's do that" hurdle that would
seem to be necessary to get a team going. =\ wrote:
> On Sunday, February 09, 2020, at 8:29 PM, Alan Grimes wrote:
> I'm working hard on AGI and looking for juggernauts like me who want
> to get it done already. I have most of it figured out and am
> implementing some of it. Are you with me, or not? If so let's get the
> Facebook real time chat goin and implement some shit.

Clowns feed off of funny money;
Funny money comes from the FED

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