Seems as though individually and societally sometimes advances in intelligence 
are preceded by expansions of consciousness and sometimes vice versa. Almost 
like two "waves". For example, when you become aware of a "bigger picture" of 
something or when a society does, it's as if there is a fabric of consciousness 
that intelligence operates within. Consciousness being related more to a 
communication layer and intelligence functioning within the physical world, 
like Wisner's entropic force, evolution would optimize the communication layer 
to minimize energy expenditure with maximum communication efficiency across 
nodes, essentially, the multiparty communication complexity. I would view 
natural language more from the perspective of a compressive communication 
protocol since words are really representations of lossily compressed concepts 
strung together to be decoded by other similarly decompressive and conscious 
parties. If the other party is software it would emulate and reconstruct the 
compressed conscious representation in an attempt to accurately decipher. But 
we do realize that some words are more discrete than analog, IOW lossless 
verses lossy.
Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI
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