On Mon, Jun 29, 2020, 4:24 PM <immortal.discover...@gmail.com> wrote:

> But isn't Occam's Razor just basically saying "simple but not too simple"?
> And isn't it razorring off search space to look through when looking for a
> solution?

No. A razor is a witty saying. Occam said essentially that simple
explanations are better. Simple, as in fewer words to describe what you
observed, and better, as in making more accurate predictions of future
observations. Solomonoff, Kolmogorov, and Chaitin all formalized this to
mean that shorter programs that reproduce the same data are better
predictors of future data. This is the foundation of machine learning, and
why we use compression to evaluate AI. The fact that there is no general
procedure to find the shortest program (proved by Kolmogorov) is what makes
AI (and compression) hard and what makes Hutter's AIXI algorithm for
reinforcement learning both optimal and not computable.

You should probably study this if you want to work in AI.

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