I got some interesting off-line feedback. Apparently, NO ONE in rural areas
wears masks, and not wearing mandated masks is turning out to be a
statement of resistance to governmental authority. One survey found that
less than half wore masks. Hence, bringing out the N95 masks in the
National Strategic Reserve probably will NOT work - unless we get a REALLY
bad mutation, like one that kills almost everyone.

So, will the city-dwelling government realize this and not pass out the
masks, or will they crash and burn with this plan? Other alternatives, like
distributing the masks to the vulnerable, or waiting for a bad mutation,
are still there.


On Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 6:06 PM Steve Richfield <steve.richfi...@gmail.com>

> WOW, some really insightful responses both on-line and off-line, leading
> to further realizations...
> The goal of analyses like I made is to guide DECISIONS based on
> DETERMINATIONS made about the incoming data. This closely parallels the
> ordinary operation of court, where they first determine the facts, and from
> the facts make their decisions.
> Immortal says we need more data, but in the real world the challenge is to
> make good determinations WITHOUT as much data as you might like. Here, I
> have made some determinations with VERY scant data. Of course I could do
> more with more data. My favorite technique I have used many times is to
> arrive at the WRONG conclusions - and await more data from whoever I have
> identified as being the culprit. This is what I did in proclaiming the
> pandemic to be an intentional biological attack - supported by the LACK of
> data from the CCP.
> Alan discusses theories advanced by Alex Jones - that just happen to match
> what nearly everyone is expecting as the virus mutates. Providing an
> alternative "conspiracy theory" explanation for the ordinary operation of
> things doesn't go very far in producing determinations, let alone
> decisions. Also, I suggest challenging mask orders on the basis that it
> isn't a "mask" unless it stops the virus. You would be only too happy to
> wear an N95 mask - if only they would give you one to wear - as Fauci LIED
> to keep you from purchasing one in the early days of the pandemic. Your
> present actions are self-help in dealing with governmental LIES.
> Dorian asks about Pearl Harbor. I just happen to be the right person to
> ask, as I was friends with Dorsey Lewis, a navy anti-aircraft gunner in
> Pearl Harbor during the attack. Dorsey had PREDICTED the attack and had
> previously so informed everyone who would listen. When the attack happened,
> Dorsey REFUSED to kill those young men in the aircraft who had NO CHOICE
> but to do what they were doing. The court was NOT persuaded by Dorsey's
> arguments, so Dorsey got 5 years of hard labor for his insight and lack of
> murderous action. The Japanese were motivated by the way we handled a
> rubber boycott - in a way that caused them to lose face, which demanded a
> punishing answer - which Roosevelt conveniently provided by putting much of
> our navy in one place to be attacked. Historians now agree that Roosevelt's
> actions were INTENDED to precipitate an attack - to plunge America into an
> unpopular war. SOMEONE needs to tell Dorsey's presently unknown story - as
> it would make a fantastic movie. BTW, Dorsey only had to break rocks for a
> week, at which time they showed the weekly movie to the prisoners - and the
> projector broke down again as usual. Dorsey offered to fix the projector
> and keep it running, if they would take him off of the rockpile for as long
> as he kept the projector running. Dorsey hand-made good parts to replace
> worn parts, made spare parts in case they were needed, and never returned
> to the rockpile before his 5 years were over. I knew Dorsey in the 1960s,
> when we were both into early computers.
> *Steve Richfield*
> On Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 1:25 PM <keghnf...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  The corruption in this word is very bad.
>>  My first gift to world to help every one was shut down. Because it cut
>> into a rich person scam
>> to make money off the suffering.
>> The fist gift was protection form influenza and other sars like viruses.
>>  And would lead to permanent cure for malaria.
>>  The corruption is so bad it is not worth bring forth the other gifts.
>>  I bought a bottle of moon shine the other day to kill rash in my mouth.
>>  I like to Trump vape this. Lot better than shooting up bleach:)
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> --
> Full employment can be had with the stoke of a pen. Simply institute a six
> hour workday. That will easily create enough new jobs to bring back full
> employment.

Full employment can be had with the stoke of a pen. Simply institute a six
hour workday. That will easily create enough new jobs to bring back full

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