Actually it is knee and back injuries that are the common long term
problem, not head injuries. I know guys with knee and back problems 40
years later... long term brain damage is not common for players
through college. Brain damage is mostly seen in pros, linebackers and
offensive linemen mostly.

On 11/29/21, Mike Archbold <> wrote:
> It's become a lot better than it used to be.  When I was playing (I
> played through high school) you had to be very, very unbalanced to be
> taken out of the game. I no doubt had concussions and kept playing. I
> played in about 70 collision football games.
> The brain can take a pounding and still work fine. That's the incredible
> thing.
> On 11/29/21, A.T. Murray <> wrote:
>> Since AGI consciousness is an emergent property for which there can be no
>> flowchart, for many years it seemed impossible to draw a diagram of
>> consciousness.
>> -- recently obtained a new
>> diagram in which consciousness is depicted as the opposite of the
>> subconscious, with mind-modiles for emotion, thought and volition
>> fostering
>> consciousness and with the subconscious operating within the competitive
>> clash between Spreading Activation and PsiDecay.
>> -- meanwhile contains the
>> following new section about the AGI devotee Mentifex objecting to the
>> brain-damage occurring as the unavoidable result of college football:
>> 1. Why did Mentifex work to abolish Husky Football?
>> What is the purpose of a university? Is it to entertain, or to educate?
>> If
>> the purpose is to provide mass entertainment for TV football viewers,
>> then
>> the school should be renamed as "Football University" and any pretense of
>> serving first and foremost to educate students should be abandoned. If
>> the
>> purpose is the intellectual training of productive members of society,
>> and
>> if society has become aware that playing football causes long-term
>> permanent brain damage, then it is a no-brainer for schools like the
>> University of Washington (UW) to abolish Husky Football and to relinquish
>> the $110M of filthy lucre that football was bringing to the university.
>> As a freshman, Mentifex was a UW football player, but only in his
>> physical
>> education (PE) class. Back then, in order to provide jobs for athletic
>> teaching assistants, the University required all freshmen to take PE --
>> not
>> out of concern for the health and well-being of students, but for the
>> financial purpose of creating jobs for Big Sports.
>> Fast forward to 2 August 2019 when the UW alumnus Mentifex was reading
>> the
>> national print edition of The New York Times (all bow down, please, to
>> the
>> Newspaper of Record, if not to Washington :-) in main campus library room
>> Suzzallo 101, which had been the boring Government Documents room in
>> freshman year but had morphed into the most beautiful Starbucks in
>> Seattle,
>> with stained-glass windows. Mentifex turned the page and saw the
>> truth-about-football article that is now part of the official record of
>> the
>> UW Board of Regents meeting where Mentifex began his campaign to
>> eliminate
>> Husky Football as a clear and present danger to student players.
>> Mentifex was mentally disturbed to read in the 2 August 2019 New York
>> Times
>> that football causes Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) below the level of
>> concussion, because the brain keeps on moving and rips apart internally
>> when the football player comes to a sudden, wrenching stop in Husky
>> Stadium. The damage may not be visible to rabid Husky sports fans, but
>> the
>> tearing and laceration of the brain tissue builds up and becomes
>> permanent,
>> lifelong damage to the poor schmuck who has signed up to play Husky
>> Football. Does the UW care more about the health of its students, or
>> about
>> the $110M?
>> The NYT article so upset Mentifex that he immediately walked off campus
>> and
>> made 107 photocopies of the NYT article at a shop on University Way, or
>> "the Ave." Mentifex then returned to campus and leafleted the Suzzallo
>> Library by leaving copies of the NYT article at and around student chairs
>> and workstations, with an added heading about the hypocrisy of Husky
>> Football. On the following day, Mentifex leafleted the Allen Library. On
>> the third day, he leafleted the Husky Union Building (HUB). Two months
>> later, the Husky Football coach inexplicably resigned from his extremely
>> lucrative job without stating any reason why. The UW hired, and
>> eventually
>> fired, a new coach at three million dollars per year.
>> In December of 2019, Mentifex noticed that the UW Board of Regents was
>> meeting upstairs in the main campus library, so he went up to try to give
>> photocopies of the NYT football brain-damage article to any regents that
>> he
>> could find and approach during the meeting. The secretary to the Board
>> told
>> Mentifex to sign up for the public comment period at 1:00 p.m. if he
>> wanted
>> to talk to the Regents. Meanwhile, Mentifex made more photocopies of the
>> damning NYT article and the article was not only handed out to all the
>> Regents but was also appended as an official document at the bottom of
>> the
>> Minutes of the December 2019 meeting of the Board of Regents. Soon
>> afterwards, the personal trouble and grief began for Mentifex.
>> Persons unknown started taking surreptitious photographs of Mentifex and
>> showing them to a casual acquaintance of Mentifex while asking various
>> doxx-like questions about Mentifex. For instance, they asked "Did
>> Mentifex
>> ever work for Husky Football?", as if Mentifex were some kind of
>> disgruntled employee out to get revenge. No, Mentifex did not work for
>> Husky Football. He spent his adult life working on artificial
>> intelligence
>> to replicate the human brain, and so he was upset to find that football
>> damages the brain, and even more upset to find that his alma mater UW did
>> not seem to care -- not when 110 million dollars of football revenue was
>> at
>> stake. So Mentifex began posting diatribes against Big Football on the
>> Internet, encouraging people to sue the UW Board of Regents collectively
>> and individually to bring a stop to the brain-damage by abolishing Husky
>> Football. Now, are there persons who would try to kill Mentifex over a
>> measly 110 million dollars? Artificial intelligence is far more valuable
>> than $110M, and is worth not mere trillions of dollars, but entire
>> galaxies
>> of noosphere value.

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