Even though it is actually still a bit premature to return to active posting based on my original motivation for going dark, the situation has changed. There are several major, immanent crises that are shortly due to upend our society and civilization. The purpose of this list remains AGI.  As we have entered the para-singularity moment that argument in favor of returning overwhelms any argument against.

When I say para-singulatiy, lets re-scale the singularity to a single year. Before it, we are pre-singularity, and aafter it we have full, unambiguous, ASI. I think the case that we are now in the morning of the first day of that year is pretty strong. At this point it is not important that the actual technology is basiically Eliza++++++, the important things are:

A. -> It's publicly visable.
B. -> it is powerful enough to support its own development.
C. -> it is able to demonstrate the vague outlines of what a more satisfactory AGI will be.

It is possible, still, that this is a false start and that we could go back to pre-singularity for a few years. There are several internal and external factors that could cause this to happen. But, at this point, it's Game On for the singularity and therefore I can't continue to hide under my rock while it happens.

Beware of Zombies. =O
#EggCrisis  #BlackWinter
White is the new Kulak.
Powers are not rights.

Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI
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