The hysterics about AI are a self-fulfilling prophecy due to the motivation
of the hysterical: Keep people from assortative migration & protective
sequestration of their children away from the parasitical elites driven
hysterical by not only the deprivation of their food source, but by the
threat that control groups present: Discovery of what is causing social
ills -- which, of course, would expose the fact that elites are pathogenic
parasites. Oh, but I haven't yet explained why these pathogenic parasites
fear AI so much that they are going into hysterics -- but I've clearly
implied the reason and I've explicitly stated the reason often enough in
the past: The Algorithmic Information Criterion for selection of causal
models is the optimal scientific method for scientists deprived of control
groups. So those of us wanting to preserve our children from the
parasitical elites are obsessively motivated to advance the state of the
art in AIC to take advantage of the half-century of exponentiating
transistors so that we can overcome the damage done to the social sciences
by our parasitical elites. This, then, will produce AIs of such power that
they really _will_ represent a threat. So, really, bottom line, the reason
humanity is under threat by AI is the parasitical elites have put humanity
in a position where we must choose: Continue to let them feed on our
children or take the chance of _true_ AIs (not these "large language model"
idiots) destroying humanity.

Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI
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