We have two brain halves, left for logic and right for creativity, but 
according to new scientific researches, the division isn't always clear.

Anyway, both sides may be working on the same principles, but the logic side is 
more accurate, and the creative side is more fuzzy. I think that both sides 
have to support both accuracy/fuzziness in some percentage, they are only set 
up at different percentage from the start. I'm not sure if the percentage 
adjustment is possible with the current NN tech, but the Nature did it somehow, 

The scientific discovery process may require a greater deal of creativity, but 
at the end of the process, the found theory has to perfectly click with logic.

So, mimicking Nature may be a way to go, if that is possible. I mean having two 
differently setup NNs communicating with each other may be an idea worth of 
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