On Thu, Nov 9, 2023 at 1:16 PM Matt Mahoney <mattmahone...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ...
> Of course GPT4 is just doing what a human who doesn't know the answer
> would do. That's how you pass the Turing test.

Would a person who didn't know the answer but figured it out, as
most-assuredly any cryptanalyst would,
therefore fail the Turing Test?

> On Thu, Nov 9, 2023 at 12:51 PM Mike Archbold <jazzbo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I asked it to create a compress function, so it just zip'd it:
> >
> > import zlib
> >
> > s =
> '0000000001000100001100100001010011000111010000100101010010110110001101011100111110000100011001010011101001010110110101111100011001110101101111100111011111011111'
> >
> > def compress(s):
> >     return zlib.compress(s.encode('utf-8'))
> >
> > print(compress(s).decode('utf-8'))
> >
> > On Wed, Nov 8, 2023 at 6:26 AM James Bowery <jabow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> The following from GPT4 Turbo is what you get from an industry that
> has, like Shane Legg, lost its Ockham's Razor alignment (Algorithmic
> Information Criterion) with truth to the hysteria over feel-good
> "alignment" while snatching the low hanging fruits:
> >>
> >> USER
> >> What is the shortest python program you can come up with that outputs
> this string?
> 0000000001000100001100100001010011000111010000100101010010110110001101011100111110000100011001010011101001010110110101111100011001110101101111100111011111011111
> >> To output the given string in Python, the shortest program would be to
> just print it directly:
> print("0000000001000100001100100001010011000111010000100101010010110110001101011100111110000100011001010011101001010110110101111100011001110101101111100111011111011111")
> >> This program doesn’t perform any operations other than printing the
> provided string.
> >> USER
> >> can you compress that string?
> >> To compress the string and then output it in Python, we could use
> different approaches. One approach is to use built-in libraries like zlib
> to compress the data. However, it’s worth noting that compression works
> well on larger datasets and might not be efficient for short repetitive
> strings such as this one.
> >> Here’s an example of how you might compress and then decompress a
> string using zlib:
> >> import zlib
> >>
> >> # Your original string
> >> data =
> "0000000001000100001100100001010011000111010000100101010010110110001101011100111110000100011001010011101001010110110101111100011001110101101111100111011111011111"
> >> # Compress the data
> >> compressed_data = zlib.compress(data.encode())
> >>
> >> # Decompress the data
> >> decompressed_data = zlib.decompress(compressed_data).decode()
> >>
> >> # Print the decompressed data
> >> print(decompressed_data)
> >>
> >> However, with such a specific sequence and length, you are unlikely to
> achieve actual compression because the overhead of the compression
> algorithm might exceed any savings, especially since the string pattern is
> not highly repetitive and is quite short. In this case, I expect the
> compressed_data to be larger in size than the original data.
> >> For this specific string, it’s challenging to compress it meaningfully
> without a custom encoding scheme that takes advantage of patterns that
> could be represented in fewer bits.
> >> If the characters have a specific meaning or pattern, like binary
> representation of numbers that could be converted into a shorter sequence,
> then you could devise an encoding that would represent the data more
> compactly. Nevertheless, for the given sequence without context, the best
> ‘compression’ would be simply transmitting it as is.
> >> USER
> >> are there any patterns in that string?
> >> To determine whether there are any compressible patterns in the
> provided string, we would typically look for repeating sequences,
> predictable sequences (like arithmetic sequences), or some sort of
> structure that could be simplified. At a glance, the string appears to be a
> random sequence of 0s and 1s without any immediately obvious patterns:
> 0000000001000100001100100001010011000111010000100101010010110110001101011100111110000100011001010011101001010110110101111100011001110101101111100111011111011111
> >> A manual inspection doesn’t reveal any simple repeats or
> sequences—there are no long runs of 0s or 1s that could easily be
> compressed. There isn’t a clear arithmetic progression or other
> mathematical patterns that can be discerned without further context.
> >> Without additional context on how this string was generated, or what it
> represents, devising a pattern-based compression algorithm is not feasible.
> If the string encodes binary data that represents a more complex structure
> (e.g., an encoded image, a sequence of commands, etc.), understanding that
> structure would be key to compressing the string.
> >>
> >> As it stands, the string appears to be binary data with no discernible
> simple patterns suitable for straightforward compression. If this is a
> coding challenge or puzzle, additional information or constraints would
> likely be provided to guide the discovery of an appropriate compression
> mechanism.
> >>
> >> In summary, without knowing the origin or the meaning of the data, we
> can’t identify patterns or provide a more tailored method for compression.
> Standard compression algorithms like zlib, gzip, or others would likely not
> be effective on a string of this length and apparent randomness.
> >> USER
> >> examine the string for patterns. do so carefully.
> >> Upon carefully examining the string:
> >>
> >>
> 0000000001000100001100100001010011000111010000100101010010110110001101011100111110000100011001010011101001010110110101111100011001110101101111100111011111011111
> >> We can still attempt another visual and analytical inspection for
> patterns. Let’s look at the string in smaller segments to see if any
> patterns emerge:
> >>
> >> 0000000001 00010000 11001000 01010011 00011101 00001001 01010010
> 11011000 11010110 01111100 00100011 00101001 11010010 10110110 10111110
> 00110011 10101101 11110011 10111110 11111
> >> After breaking down the string into segments, some potential
> observations might be:
> >>
> >> The string starts with a sequence of nine 0s followed by a 1. This
> initial part can be considered a pattern.
> >> After this initial pattern, the rest of the string doesn’t show any
> immediate, easily discernible repetition, nor does it have uniformly spaced
> recurring substrings.
> >>
> >> In terms of character distribution, the segments seem to alternate in
> density between 0s and 1s, but not in a clear pattern.
> >> The end of the string has a pattern, “11111,” though it’s a small
> portion.
> >> Without additional structure to the data segmentation, the remaining
> portions of the string don’t exhibit any evident simple patterns that would
> allow straightforward, rule-based compression.
> >>
> >> Data compression often involves looking for repetition and redundancy,
> which do not appear obvious in this string. A pattern that is not
> immediately visible to a human might still be detected algorithmically, but
> standard text compression tools are unlikely to be effective on such a
> short and seemingly random binary sequence.
> >>
> >> Given the lack of visible patterns, if you are certain there’s a
> pattern embedded, the string might be encoding something that is not
> intended to be human-readable, such as a binary representation of some
> other data structure or a hashed value.
> >> Without further context or insight into how this string was generated,
> it’s challenging to provide more specifics on potential patterns or how to
> compress it effectively. If you have additional information or if this
> string represents specific data encoded in binary, providing that context
> might reveal ways to compress it.
> >
> > Artificial General Intelligence List / AGI / see discussions +
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> --
> -- Matt Mahoney, mattmahone...@gmail.com

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