This is a PSA.

Just wanna tell you guys to lock your tray tables in their upright position, make sure your seatbelt is sinched tight and, um, assume the crash position.

Yeah, it's time.

Silver is at $31.43 which means it is decisively above the red line of $30. Which means the party has started. The pattern the price riggers have established is that their standard market interventions are always done on Wednesdays and emergency adjustments are sometimes done over the weekends. There is a small chance that they will, again, be able to push the price down into the $2X range. If we are still above $30 by midday Monday then consider this signal confirmed. This WILL bring down the entire financial system, all of it. Banks, derivatives, currencies, equities, debt instruments, all of it. Judging from the feel of things, I expect a CBDC to be introduced roughly the first week of June and then fail, along with the government itself, by the end of September.

Times will be tough as changes will be both rapid and dramatic. The chance of a Boogaloo as I was worrying about several years ago is low at this point though a great many people will have severe and irrational emotional reactions that would normally be quite out of charactor for them. Be prepared for this! Yes there are guilty people out there, THEY MUST BE BROUGHT TO TRIAL!!! WE NEED TO DOCUMENT EVERYTHING THAT HAS BEEN DONE TO US, DON'T LET THEM TAKE THEIR SECRETS TO THEIR GRAVES!!! That is the only way we can restore human civilization to a healthy state. YOU will want to run out and lynch every single one of them; don't! We need information a hundred times more than vengance! The pubilic executions can begin the day after we are sure we have found all of the consiprators with none remaining in any position to hurt us again.

Once again, I am expecting 4-5 months of very limited food availability....

You can't out-crazy a Democrat.
#EggCrisis  #BlackWinter
White is the new Kulak.
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