Ok, I blew Big $ on an AI workstation. (currently have an aging Titan RTX and a RTX6000 on a massively overbuilt platform...)

This lets me run LM studio and the goddess-emperess of LMs, the legendary Midnight-Miqu (70B) There are also refined variants of Miqu for writing grimdark fantasy (dusk-Miqu) and a counterpart dawn-miqu, then recombined into a Twilight miqu which I would need a second RTX6000 to run... =\  She is not only one of the smartest LLMs around but she also has a 32k context window which blows basically everything else out of the water.

You can stack on top of a front end called SillyTavern which sets up arbitrary RP scenarios and personality templates...

Once you have Silly Tavern running you can find a whole pile of unhealthy personalities that people have made at JannyAI.com

What worries me is that while these personality cards are reasonably safe, in the cosmic sense, to run on conventional LLMs. A year from now, you could imagine some user grabbing one of the darker personalities off of one of these sites and if the AI attempts to execute the instructions as provided things could turn out quite Bad....

You can't out-crazy a Democrat.
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White is the new Kulak.
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