> Gary Miller wrote:

> > That being said other than Cyc I am at a loss to name any serious AI
> > efforts which are over a few years in duration and have more that 5 man
> > years worth of effort (not counting promotional and fundraising).

No offense, but I suspect you need to read more of the literature.  I still am
rather clueless about the field, and I can name a few such projects.  In
Hofstadter's lab both the Metacat and Letter Spirit projects are each the
product of roughly a man-decade of effort, one man (or woman) at a time.  The
Tabletop project might count as more effort in the same design, not to mention
Copycat's precursors.  It's likely that someone will be working on extending
Metacat soon.

Elsewhere, there's the ACT-R project at CMU, formerly ACT-*, about which I
know very little, but it seems to have been around for a while.  At Indiana
University David Leake's case-based reasoning project seems to have multiple
grad students, probably pushing it over 5 man years quickly, although if by
"serious AI" you meant "general AI now" it might not qualify.

-xx- Damien X-) 

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