
One issue you didn't respond to that I suggested was:

> I also think that AGIs need to have a built in commitment to devote an
> adequate amount of mind space to monitoring the external environment
> and internal thought processes to identify issues where ethical
> considerations should apply.  I think this resource allocation needs to
> be reinforced by some hard wiring. 

What's you feeling on this?  If I understand the Novamente system 
structure, wouldn't ethical competence warrant the inclusion of an 
ethics processing 'unit' in a Novamente AGI?

The elements that I think are needed are some goals  (established in 
GoalNodes??) that conform to a dual structure 
(hierarchical/heterarchical), a firm and adequate commitment of 
resources to ethical perception and implications action processing and 
some tie in the 'emotional' motivation systems via FeelingNodes (?), 
and some form of protection against frivolous reprogramming (ie. 
maybe some aspects are quarantines from reprogramming and other 
aspects can only rewired after a lot of very serious thought.), and some 
form of structuring into the Mind Operating System  

I think it might help the process of devising the ethical 'machinery' of an 
AGI if we just agreed that it should have some (ethical 'machinery' ) 
and then tried to figure out what the structure should be without getting 
bogged down in the specific ethical goals that should drive the system.

Once we have a better feel for the ethics generation/processing 
architecture we could go back to the issue of what the ethical goals 
should be specifically.

Cheers, Philip

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