I was thinking about the so-called paralellism of the brain which is a
poorly fitting metaphore at best... To explain the high resiliency of
neural circuits to minor variations in structure the term "redundant"
seems more appropriate...

The computers we build can be viewed, in this context as "Many on One"
devices, in that many processes run on one computing element. Many parts
of the brain are "One on Many" devices in that a single computation has
many contributing computing elements. Each computing element is largely
independant and makes only a small contribution to the computation.
Because of this the circuit can sustain significant dammage before the
overall functionality is permenantly impared. 

A theory along these lines would also have to consider the cortex and
attempt to reconcile its apparent CAM nature with its apparent
resiliency to its own flakey hardware. This is quite a bit more
difficult. One possibility is that Calvin is wrong and the cortex is
some other type of circuit... My current thinking is that the CAM model
is almost correct in that the cortex is a class of automata that
transmits *signals* between cells rather than states. In this mode, a
dead/blocked cell would not pose a difficulty as the signal could
propogate to any of the adjacent cells in the hexagonal matrix and and
still reach its target with only one additional actor. 

   * *>
  * * * 
  >* * 

With a signal that needs to get from >* to *>, the loss of the cell in
the middle means that the signal would have to move around only two
additional cells and the redundancy in the left and right work-around
paths ensure that the signal is received at roughly its intended

A square matrix would not be as efficient...

Whith a strict NSEW law would require the signal to move through 3
different cells instead of 2. So the cortex does not fit the One on Many
model still may be redundant in this other way... 

The problem then is to design a pattern analyzing/synthesizing CAM... 

Gah! I've rambled too long... [SEND]!

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