
> I also have a very low expectation on what the current "Friendly AI"
> discussion can contribute to the AGI research. 

OK - that's a good issue to focus on then.

In an earlier post Ben described three ways that ethical systems could 
be facilitated:
A)  "Explicit programming-in of ethical principles" (EPIP) 
B)  "Explicit programming-in of methods specially made for the learning
    of ethics through experience and teaching" 
C)  "Acquisition of ethics through experience and teaching, through
    generic AI methods"

It seems to me that (A) and (B) have immediate relevance to the 
research needed for the development of a friendly AGI.

And Kevin has proposed the development of machinery for a big red 
button which is another tangible issue.

So maybe we should take up your point and try to make the ethics 
discussion deliberately focussed on being relevant to the research and 
trial development issues.

Would you be prepared to help us focus the discussion in this way?

Cheers, Philip

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