Philip Sutton wrote:
Hi Eliezer,

 This does not follow.  If an AI has a P chance of going feral, then a
 society of AIs may have P chance of all simultaneously going feral

I can see you point but I don't agree with it.

If General Motors churns out 100,000 identical cars with all the same charcteristics and potiential flaws, they will */not /*all fail at the same instant in time. Each of them will be placed in a different operating environment and the failures will probably spread over a bell curve style distribution.

That's because your view of this problem has automatically factored out all the common variables. All GM cars fail when dropped off a cliff. All GM cars fail when crashed at 120 mph. All GM cars fail on the moon, in space, underwater, in a five-dimensional universe. All GM cars are, under certain circumstances, inferior to telecommuting.

How much of the risk factor in AI morality is concentrated into such universals? As far as I can tell, practically all of it. Every AI morality failure I have ever spotted has been of a kind where a society of such AIs would fail in the same way.

The bell-curve failures to which you refer stem from GM making a cost-performance tradeoff. The bell-curve distributed failures, like the fuel filter being clogged or whatever, are *acceptable* failures, not existential risks. It therefore makes sense to accept a probability X of failure, for component Q, which can be repaired at cost C when it fails; and when you add up all those probability factors you end up with a bell curve. But if the car absolutely had to work, you would be minimizing X like hell, to the greatest degree allowed by your *design ability and imagination*. You'd use a diamondoid fuel filter. You'd use three of them. You wouldn't design a car that had a single point of failure at the fuel filter. You would start seriously questioning whether what you really wanted should be described as a "car". Which in turn would shift the most probable cause of catastrophic failure away from bell-curve probabilistic failures and into outside-context failures of imagination.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky                
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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