My feeling on dog-level intelligence is that the *cognition* aspects of
dog-level intelligence are really easy, but the perception and action
components are significantly difficult and subtle.

In other words, once a dog's brain has produced abstract patterns not tied
to particular environmental stimuli, the stuff it does with these patterns
is probably not all that fancy.  But the dog's brain is really good at
recognizing and enacting complex patterns, and doing this recognizing &
enacting in a coordinated way.

Peter Voss's ( approach to AI aims to emulate biological
evolution on Earth, in the sense that it wants to start with a dog-level
brain (very roughly speaking) and then incrementally build more cognition on
top of this.  This is a reasonable approach, to be sure.

But if I had to make a guess, I'd say this approach should probably begin
with robotics, with real sensors and actuators and a system embodied in a
real physical environment.  I am skeptical that simplistic simulated worlds
provide enough richness to support development of robust dog-level
intelligence... as perception and action oriented as dog intelligence is...

The current Novamente engineering plan is based on an opposite approach that
does not try to emulate biological evolution.   One *could* develop the
Novamente design in a biologically-inspired way, beginning with
perception/action and gradually adding cognition.  However, we are in fact
developing it in an opposite way, beginning with cognition in environments
requiring only very simple perception/action and then later adding more
advanced perception/action.  Of course, we realize that this
cognition-centric approach has been carried out in philosophically incorrect
ways by many AI researchers in the past, but, we believe we are not making
any of the basic errors that traditional cognition-focused AI researchers
have made.  Furthermore, I suspect that this is the only approach that has
any prayer of succeeding in the absence of either sophisticated robotic
sensors/actuators, or incredibly good VR environments...

-- Ben G

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