
I agree that human awareness is affected by the collective structures in
which we operate; and on a nonscientific level, I think I understand what
you mean by "collective consciousness"

But, human social groups don't seem to have the kind of "theater of focused
awareness" that individual humans have, and I think that in future there may
be tightly-coupled collectives of minds that *do* have this kind of theater
of awareness....  I think this will be a difference from human consciousness
and human-group "distributed cognition"...

This may be pertinent to AGI's, as it will likely be easier to
tightly-coupled AGI's in this way than to do so with humans

A question that Eliezer and I discussed a lot, a while back, is whether such
a "multi-mind" (tightly coupled collective of AGI's with an emergent
collective consciousness-theater) is a better use of a fixed fund of
computational resources, than a single mind with more individual

ben g

> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Kevin
> Sent: Friday, July 04, 2003 12:50 PM
> Subject: Re: [agi] Request for invention of new word
> Ben..
> What you are describing is actually what is the reality of human
> existence\conscioussness...
> Our unawareness of how we are prepetually influenced by the collective
> conscioussness is only indicative of our lack of own self
> awareness and not
> a testament to its reality or unreality...
> When *I* write this email is it really *me* alone who is writing it or
> conceiving its content???
> So we already have terms for this such as "collective conscioussness".  In
> Sanskrit it is Alaya Vijnana.  It is also often called the store
> conscioussness or ground conscioussness.
> Sorry for injecting eastern thought into this discussion ;)
> --Kevin
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ben Goertzel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, July 04, 2003 12:36 PM
> Subject: RE: [agi] Request for invention of new word
> >
> >
> > > An existing term for this kind of system is "distributed mind".
> > >
> > > If you want to be different, maybe you can call it "community mind"
> (what
> > > is the adjective corresponding to community?)
> > >
> > > > Also, any reference to prior ("serious" or science-fictional)
> > > developments
> > > > of this theme?
> > >
> > > Google "distributed mind" and "distributed cognition" ---
> though some of
> > > them are not that "serious", the one at UCSD is getting attention.
> >
> > I'm aware of some of the literature on "distributed cognition", but what
> > I've seen is more pragmatic and pertains to cognition that occurs in
> current
> > human groups, mediated by language, e-mail, chat, knowledge management
> > tools, etc.
> >
> > What I'm talking about is something deeper -- a hypothetical
> form of mind
> > where the social-group (as well as the individual minds)
> achieves its own
> > emergent "conscious theater" ... a "multi-mind" I guess (but I
> don't love
> > that term...)
> >
> > > As I remember, Asimov's Gaia (in the Foundation novels) is
> such a mind.
> >
> > Theodore Sturgeon's excellent novel "More than Human" describes a
> multi-mind
> > composed of telepaths -- the overall mind has an overall
> consciousness and
> > control-structure, but so do the individual components...
> >
> > -- Ben G
> >
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