..except your body is *not* supplied with sensors and actuators in "There"..
But if its a virtual world, why do you need sensors and actuators??  There
is the presented visual display and control keys for moving around and

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ben Goertzel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 11:53 AM
Subject: [agi] Educating an AI in a simulated world

> Hi,
> One of the things I've been thinking about lately is the potential use of
> our (in development) Novamente AI system to control the behavior of an
> in a simulated world -- say, a very richly and effectively constructed
> massively multiplayer video game, or even a more futuristic VR-based
> simulation game....
> This is not something we're working on in practice right now, but it's
> something that could happen in the future, and it seems an interesting
> context in which to explore the "experiential learning" aspect of
> The reader of the email is assumed to have some familiarity with the
> Novamente software design, minimally at the level of the overview
> yakkity-yakk on www.agiri.org
> Let's assume that the simulation world consists of a simulated 3D physical
> environment, and that Novamente is given control of an agent that is
> localized in a particular "body" within this environment.  The body is
> supplied with sensors and actuators, and
> · Each sensor results in a stream of perceptual relationships being
> presented to Novamente, over time.  These relationships are primitive
> perceptual relationship types, for example the output of a camera eye
> be represented using a relationship (PixelAt n m c) where n and m are ints
> representing locations on the camera screen, and c is a list representing
> perceived color.
> · Each actuator is represented by a function taking one or more arguments,
> e.g. move(v, a), where s is a float indicating speed and a is a list
> indicating direction.
> The particular set of sensors and actuators involved is very important for
> practical purposes, although the general approach described in the
> works for essentially any set of sensors and actuators.  We are thinking
> particular of
> · Sensors such as: simulated camera eyes, microphones,
> · Actuators such as: "movement devices" that can move in a specified
> direction with a specified speed, sensor control devices (e.g. pointing a
> camera in a certain direction)
> We are not concerning ourselves here with the details of robot control -
> instance, with the mechanisms of controlling a robot arm.  This sort of
> thing can be handled in Novamente, but, it is not required in gamelike sim
> worlds, and anyhow we feel it's a less interesting area of focus than
> higher-level control.
> Regarding sensory processing, we are willing to make use of existing
> sense-stream processing tools - for example, if camera-eye input is
> involved, we are quite willing to use existing vision processing software
> and feed Novamente its output.  We would also like Novamente to have
> to the raw output of the camera eye, so that it can carry out subtler
> perception processing if it judges this appropriate.
> Next, we assume that there are particular goals one wants the
> Novamente-controlled agent to achieve in the simulated environment.  These
> goals may be defined abstractly, but they should be definable formally, in
> terms of an Evaluator software object that can look at the log of
> s behavior in the simulated world over a period of time and assess the
> extent to which Novamente has fulfilled its goals.  While the end goals
> Novamente may be extremely sophisticated, we consider it important to
> a series of progressively more difficult and complex goals, beginning with
> very simple ones.  The goal series must be defined so that, with each goal
> Novamente learns to achieve, its "internal ontology" of learned cognitive
> procedures is appropriately enlarged.
> Recall that the Novamente software design does not provide a full
> architecture," only a framework and a set of processes within which a
> cognitive architecture may emerge through experiential learning.  The
> cognitive architecture itself then consists of a "dual network"
> (hierarchy/heterarchy) of learned procedures, appropriate for various
> of activity in various sorts of context.  For the cognitive architecture
> build up properly, requires the right sort of experience.  And so one
> an "educational program" ... a series of tasks to lead Novamente
> to progressively let it build up the right internal declarative and
> procedural knowledge for surviving, flourishing and achieving its goals in
> the environment...
> OK -- I'll leave off the email here.  I have developed some ideas about
> an educational program, but I'd like to hear others' thoughts on this and
> related topics, if anyone should have any...
> -- Ben G
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