Hi Shane, how's the barn holding,

> Perhaps my pattern wasn't clear enough
> 00001
> 00002
> 00003
> 00004
> .
> .
> .
> 00099
> 00100
> 00101
> .
> .
> .
> 09999
> 10000
> .
> .
> .
> 99998
> 99999
> then repeat from the start again.  However each character is
> part of the sequence.  So the agent sees 0000100020000300...

OK, now I see what you mean.

> So the "whole pattern" in some sense is 100,000 "numbers"
> each of 5 characters giving a 500,000 character pattern
> of digits from 0 to 9.  A human can learn this reasonably
> easily but your AI won't.  It would take something more
> like a mega byte to store the pattern.  Actually with
> the overhead of all the rules it would be much bigger.

My agent has these patterns for breakfast! I certainly hope so, at least.

Well, there is a very simple rule here, namely just add 1 arithmically to the 
last 5 inputs, and then you successfully predict the next five inputs. 
Can my system represent that rule? I think it can. If I simplify my system so 
that is does not act, just perceive and predict, there are 2 neural networks 
in one module (and I only need one):
Abstraction(C, I) -> new C
Prediction (C, I) -> predicted I
with C being the context vector (of bits), and I the input vector (of bits).
Abstraction must make sure that C has all the relevant information stored in 
it. C may contain the last 10 inputs. Or the five of the last block, and a 
counter for where it is in the new block. Prediction must then perform the 
operation of adding 1 and giving as output the value at the counter place 
plus 1. E.g. 00012 was the last block, the counter is 4. This is stored in C. 
Prediction calculates 00013 outof C and takes the fourth plus one character 
being '3'.
Abstraction({00012,3},{1}) -> {00012,4}
Prediction({00012,4},{1}) -> {3}
That is about how it will work, I suppose. If you see an error (or you have 
other patterns to think about) please say so. Of course Prediction and 
Abstraction will only work this way after a lot of training (prediction error 
minimalisation). (A nice deus ex machina I can always fall back on ;-) 

Maybe I've misled you with my recent mails of talk about storing patterns. In 
a way it does, that but not explicitely. It stores a mechanism how to extent 
a perceived sequence, i.e. predict the next step. 


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