Hi Mike,
About Novamente project progress... 
The reason I haven't given progress updates to this list lately is that I've been even more insanely busy than usual, due to a combination of AI work and (Novamente-related) business work and personal-life developments.  So recreational emailing has fallen by the wayside of late.  Now that Christmas vacation has come, I have a little time send emails!  [Although I'm going on vacation for 4 days starting tomorrow, so I'll be offline for a little while....]
Progress on Novamente has actually stepped up considerably as of September, when a few new people were brought into the project (in connection with a commercial application of Novamente), some of them working on language processing and one working on more fundamental AI stuff (representation of complex knowledge; and evolutionary learning).
However, our recent progress has been of a technical nature, it hasn't yet yielded big milestones that are exciting to report the world at large. 
Regarding language processing, we have a system that "reads" English text and outputs semantic relationships contained in the text into Novamente.  This is one way to fill the system's mind up with information, though from an AGI perspective it must be considered a complement to experiential interactive learning, rather than as the sole means of providing the system with knowledge.  However, this "relationship extraction" software is far from complete; there's probably 6 months of work left on the "syntax" side, which will proceed in parallel with work on the semantic interpretation of the extracted relationships.
Regarding reasoning, we've made a lot of progress on probabilistic inference, in the context of experimenting with inference on biological data (quantitative experimental data and data from relational DB's), and (more recently) on linguistic knowledge.  This has involved a lot of technical math work on my part, working out various details in the inference system.  The results here are very interesting, although there's a lot more testing and tweaking required, particularly regarding the control of inference.
We've got the code in place for our own generalization of combinatory logic, which is the scheme we're using to represent complex knowledge in Novamente (the knowledge that would be represented using variables and quantifiers in a traditional logic-based system).  And we've generalized the Bayesian Optimization Algorithm (an extension of genetic algorithms based on probability theory, invented by Martin Pelikan and David Goldberg) to learn complex combinatory logic expressions.   Experimentation with this is ongoing actively, and during the first half of 2004 this code will be integrated with the probabilistic reasoning code.  I spent a lot of time last month working out the nasty software-design details of integrating inferential processing with combinatory logic; that design will be implemented in January.
I redesigned our previous "attention allocation" subsystem, which used to use neural net based ideas, to use a different approach based on probabilistic inference, thus simplifying the system and (I hope) inducing more emergence among components.  This hasn't been implemented yet though.
Yes, we STILL are not at the phase where we've hooked up Novamente to a "simulated body" in a simulated world and started teaching it experientially.  We're very much looking forward to that day!  As of this point, I can at least say there are no major components that are unengineered ... the coding of the generalized-combinatory-logic framework was the biggest beast AI-wise.  However, there's a lot of integration, testing and tuning work ahead, and some moderate-sized beasts remain uncoded (like probabilistic attention allocation, and probabilistic logical unification).  Also, there is some nitty-gritty work as yet undone, such as extending the Novamente core to run on multiple machines as a distributed system (the design was made to support extension to distributed processing, but the work hasn't been done yet).  And, we've ordered our first 64-bit machine, and in early 2004 will undertake the task of porting the core to 64-bit Linux on 64-bit hardware....  Depending on how much attention we can give to AGI as opposed to commercial Novamente applications, we could get to the "teaching the baby" phase in mid or late 2004, or it might not be till 2005.
Next, some comments on funding.
Our strategy of funding AGI work via commercial applications of the in-progress AI system is working, in the sense that we're making progress implementing and testing the AI system, while getting paid for it at a reasonable level.  Some of the commercial applications are also very interesting in themselves; for instance, in our bioinformatics work we've made some real progress in creating original diagnostic tools for a couple diseases (publications on this will come out in early 2004; in one case we found a diagnostic using Novamente, and in another case using a simpler, more specialized software system whose construction was inspired by parts of Novamente).
On the other hand, there's no doubt that if we had some funding purely oriented toward AGI research, we'd be progressing significantly faster.  It wouldn't take too much either.   Funding on the order of $10,000/month would enable us to hire 3 programmer/scientists exclusively oriented toward AGI rather than commercial applications, which would drastically accelerate our progress, as opposed to the current situation where nearly everyone's time is either devoted to commercial apps, or fragmented between commercial apps and AGI.
However, I'm not complaining (though I complained a lot yesterday after an entire day spent conferring with intellectual property lawyers! ;p) -- I'm happy that it's proved possible to continue the AGI work in an economically sustainable way.
Regarding the long-delayed "Novamente book", it got too big and messy and so it was trifurcated into three books
* Probablistic Term Logic (an in-depth treatment of this one component of Novamente, which is the most mathematically involved component)
* Novamente: Design for an Artificial General Intelligence
* Mind Patterns (a semi-technical review of the conceptual foundations of Novamente)
I haven't had much time for writing lately, but the PTL manuscript is largely done, awaiting only some proofreading and a couple final chapters covering practical applications, to be added in early '04.   Now that Christmas vacation is here and the business world is in a lull, I've been digging into the main "Novamente Design" manuscript again, and am happily updating it in accordance with recent simplifications and improvements in the design.  It seems likely that, even with everything else on my plate, I'll manage to get these manuscripts submitted for publication in 2004, hopefully by early fall.  Once these books are published, we'll probably make a big push to get some pure-AGI funding to accelerate progress.  Unless we've made soooo much progress by then (due to my delays in finishing the books!) that more funding isn't needed ;-)
And that's the capsule summary regarding Novamente.  Could be better ... but could also be a lot worse.  I've never been more confident of the capability of the Novamente design to yield AGI, but I've also become more acutely aware of the time and effort taken to tune and tweak and refine the various parts of the design to really work as intended.  The commercial work we're doing can be frustrating in that it distracts from pure AGI work, but it has its rewards in itself (intellectual and human rewards as well as paying the bills), and it also provides excellent contexts in which to test, tune and refine various system components as they develop.
-- Ben G
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of deering
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2003 6:27 AM
Subject: Re: [agi] The emergence of probabilistic inference from hebbian learning in neural nets

Ben, you haven't given us an update on how things are going with the Novamente A.I. engine lately.  Is this because progress has been slow and there is nothing much to report, or you don't want to get peoples hopes up while you are still so far from being done, or that you want to surprise us one day with, "Hey guys, guess what?  The Singularity has arrived!"

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